We see this all the time. People doing what's comfortable for them, and pretending they're building a business.
Posting on Facebook, answering surveys, creating blog posts, tagging their friends. A whole bunch of other activities that give us instant gratification.
They feel good, kind of like eating a candy bar. You can call it nutrition all you want. But for the most part, it's empty calories.
If you are building a business, online, you do need to network. You need to establish yourself as
How To Recruit For Your MLM: Treat It LIke A Business
Get a picture of a lot of what passes for home business prospecting. A bunch of advertisements that promise "$500 to $2000 a month part time, $5000 plus full time." Or join "the hottest home business group - best pay plan, turnkey system, simple and easy." That, and lots of other colorful statements promoting home businesses.
Now try and imagine that same kind of advertising being used to recruit people into a Fortune 500 company. Can you imagine Microsoft or Apple bragging about how they're the
The Problem Is Not The Gurus…It's YOU!!!
Here's a quick half hour listen that will totally change your perspective on internet marketing gurus and how you are conducting business.
So often people fall into the blame game and spend YEARS contemplating what is wrong with all the successful people instead of becoming successful themselves.
Listen...and leave me a comment with your thoughts.
Marketing Secrets Revealed
Here's a replay of the HUGE webinar I conducted on Thursday night.
In it I reveal The Full Dimensional Plan PLUS Marketing Cycles and how they work.
Hit the little rectangle on the right bottom of the video to make it go full scre
So, (Insert Name Here), Are You Looking To Make Money From Home?
SUMMARY: Using the phone to prospect for your business is fine. Just don't sound like someone who gets hung up on right away. Here are two simple steps to improve your marketing efforts.
*** ***
When prospecting for your home business - once you get the leads - there's only one thing you need to do...
Talk to a whole bunch of people and make each of them feel like an individual you personally care about.
If you've been in MLM or affiliate marketing for any length of time you
STOLEN: A Story of Signing Up Someone Else's Prospect
It's interesting that I'm writing this, because I've always written and talked about how it's unethical, and just plain bad business to steal someone else's prospect.
It's interesting, because in this true story, I am the one who did the stealing.
It was eight or nine years ago. My husband and I were just hitting our stride in terms of building an organization. We were in the middle of a heavy duty advertising campaign...mostly
Breaking News…Diane Hochman Is Building Again
Yup.. It's true...
After years of training and consulting I am ready to build a downline again
and on September 1st I will be officially out "out of the closet"
but I wanted to give my loyal readers a chance to get on the inside and to
grab one of my top spots.
I am looking to begin with a VERY specific type of group.
If you know me at all...
I am not one to go for the QUICK BANG...
I am in everything I do for the LONG HAUL so building
a strong foundation team is what I am all about.
If you want
Cool New Idea–SMS Dailys
I was asked to participate as a mentor in this new program and I thought to myself...
You get daily SMS text messages from the top people in the industry with little snippets of marketing mindset and wisdom sent straight to your phone!
It's a great product to KEEP IN THE GAME
You can earn some extra income with it...
It's free to sign up this week to poke around and then it turns into a paid program on the 26th.
You get to learn
MY ENERGY'S GONE! How To Run Your Home Business When You're Worn Out
SUMMARY: Being successful in MLM or affiliate marketing takes a lot of energy. None of us have it all the time. Here are some suggestions for being successful even when your energy level is low.
*** ***
We all get them. Those days when we're dragging ourselves around, dreading the next thing we have to do to manage our home business. Particularly true for those who work in MLM. After all, even with all the technology, it's still a business of talking with and listening to people.
Attraction Marketing For MLMers
Video of me teaching LIVE at a recent event.
Most network marketers don't even realize they are MARKETERS and spend their days engaged in activities they truly do not enjoy.
Learning the concepts of Attraction Marketing can make your life much easier.
Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts.
If you'd like to check out the Attraction Marketing Training Community that I participate in check it out HERE