Why All These "Secret" Facebook Techniques Are Worthless

It never ends…
Seen it for 11 years…
Heck I tried it all.
Back in the day it was loading up an autoresponder with leads and blasting away..
Or running $2 ads in ezines…
I could go on and on.
Everyone is screaming that they have one…
How to get more friends…
How to get more fans…
How to get more likes…
How to run the magic ads…
Let me break something to you…
Something that you DO NOT want to hear…
But it’s the truth…
Fans that don’t know who the heck you are…
Will NOT read your stuff!
Just like leads who are dumped into an autoresponder never read your
stuff back when you did that either.
You can dump $7000 a month on Facebook ads like some will advise you
And I promise you that will not work either.
In fact…I’d lay money on it.
And here’s why…
If you lead people via an ad or a “technique” or a ‘tribe” to you and you do not have
a presence or content to back it up…
If you are not running conference calls…
If you do not have a solid site with solid and VALUABLE content that YOU come up with…
The people will IGNORE YOU no matter how many fans you get from the outsourcing place…
Or how many times you pay someone at FIVERR.com to plug your page.
They will not see you as some one who can take them to the promised land and
they will just keep on going…walking right on by YOU …they guy who did all the work towards someone esle that they perceive to be able to LEAD them.
And what’s worse is that many people spend their days creating posts and ads that
push the people that they do collect towards someone other than themselves in order to make a
little affiliate commission.  People spend THOUSANDS to make pennies and give away their list as they do this.
OH how I wish you realized what you are doing to yourself when you engage in that practice.
You are shooting yourself in the foot BIG TIME.
So here’s the scoop…
Until you really buckle down and learn the FINE ART OF ATTRACTING and ENTERTAINING A CROWD you will
FOREVER be dumping your dollars into a never ending pit of desperation.
Did the Twitter ones?
Did the video marketing ones?
Did the adwords one???
No…I didn’t think so.
So when you are done making the rounds and dropping your dimes…
Let me know.
My team has set up 2011 to serve you.
To FINALLY teach you what it takes to make a living in your home or small business.
When you are ready to stop putzing around…Let me know.


13 responses to “Why All These "Secret" Facebook Techniques Are Worthless”

  1. Boy if this isn’t the truth, I don’t know what is. Thanks Diane for telling it like it is. Too many people want to buy their success and that never works.

  2. Love it Diane! Most of these so-called “Secret To Getting A Ton Of Leads” products are truly waste of time. If network marketers would only focus on one or two specific strategies until they master them, they wouldn’t be bouncing around trying to find the perfect tool to building their business.
    I’ve tried a bunch of them myself when I first began with this industry and most of them led me to a smaller amount of cash in my bank account with nothing to show for it.
    You have shown us ALL what the true secret is to being successful online, BEING YOURSELF! Showing off your uniqueness is most definitely the best way to create a powerful presence online and becoming that industry leader you really want to become.
    Thanks for being you Diane! You ROCK!!! 🙂
    Pablo Gonzalez

  3. Excellent article Diane. It seems to take most of us about two years of chasing rainbows before we are ready to settle down and put the work into this business that is really necessary.

  4. Right on Diane.
    When will people realize there is no magic pill. You can’t buy success. Education, honesty, and consistency is what works.
    Thanks for putting it on the line.

  5. And once again The Voice Of Reason cuts through the blathering that swamps the social media these days.
    And the worse thing is, that the same blathering will happen when the next “big Thing” is launched.
    But the Bestest Best thing is that YOU’ll still be here – talking sense, and sanity and wisdom.
    As always.

  6. I agree Diane, Every year there is a hot new trend that will change the face of this industry but every year it is always someone else. People got to realize there are people who are just recycling stuff and making more money off of people who are really looking for a way to build a home based business,wonder what it will be next year

  7. Diane you just gave me an AHAAA moment with one line I read in thsi post..WOW…

  8. Thanks Diane for that great post. Not many people will stand up and shout the truth. Glad you do. Looking forward to more!

  9. Diane,
    Everyone is looking for a quick fix and not thinking that they need to learn the basics first and then they will not have to pay for secrets that are not actually secrets at all.

  10. Back a couple if years ago, I knew something wasn’t quite right about promoting the big guru training stuff. Like you said, in the end, there’s nothing in it for the affiliate except for a bit of commission. The new sign-ups will go to big guru.
    If there is an A-ha moment to be had for the industry, it’s from reading this post. Too bad big guru has too many people brainwashed into thinking a living can be made from those affiliate commissions.
    I’m so grateful the industry has you to set us on the right path and to tell it how it really is. Those that find you are certainly blessed.

  11. Tell it like it is Diane!
    So many people go around on the merry go round and just need to JUMP OFF! Glad we are creating a place for them to land.
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  12. Diane,
    for MLM, it comes down to this: don’t recruit if you don’t have a business. Don’t promise a business when you don’t know how to sell your products. In all cases, have something of yourself to offer before you advertise.
    Thank you for speaking up; the time is ripe to turn this industry around.

  13. The Kind of car that the guru has parked in front of the neighborhood show home is not an indication of her success or yours – First you got to think, then you act – You need to know what to think as you do what needs to be done

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