Where Are the People?

I mumbled this on a call the other day…
Care about the people…not the interface
And the folks on the call did not really get where I was going until I ran through 14 years of marketing experience and explained to them that I dont give a darn about Facebook or YouTube or Twitter or Instagram or whatever the next big thing to come it…
Cause that stuff will ALWAYS change.
Interfaces come and go all the time…
But what never changes is the heart and the motivation of the PEOPLE.
The people that will become your customers.
How much time are you putting into understanding the rules of  interfaces as opposed to the rules of human nature?
How much time are you really investing in understanding human motivation?
I could give a crap whether I post on a Facebook profile or a page….
Whether I use annotations on a YouTube video….
Whether I use the right hashtag on Twitter.
To me …none of that matters.
It’s fleeting…
All these rules that some twenty something in the Silicon Valley made up one late night while scarfing a pepperoni pizza at his desk.
Cause you know what…
You prospects don’t care either.
They are just looking for someone that can help them.
And your job is to BECOME that person and find ways to get people to discover you so you can do just that.
That’s it
So stop wasting your time on interfaces and FOCUS on the people and you will do JUST FINE.
I promise…
They will HEAR you.
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