In the world of marketing gurus…
In the world of BIG TICKET launches…
In the world of Frank Kerns, Eben Pagans, Jeff Walkers,
John Reeses, Mike Filsaimes, Mike Koenigs…
The list goes on and on…
In the world of multi-million dollar launches where it’s dog eat dog and the big boys play HARD…
There’s a GUY…
A guy who could care less about all the rules and all the prizes and all the
FAKE server crashes etc…
And his name is Andy Jenkins.
Now I don’t know Andy personally although I have spoken with him a few times
and I have to tell you he is one funny dude (ask me about the STRIP TEASE)
But the one thing I can tell you is that he is just COOL.
I mean think about it…
When all the GURUS seem to have set a consistent price point of $1997 for products touted by the
good ol boyz club…
Andy is over here presenting an absolutely amazing marketing platform at a reasonable price that
even the AVERAGE guy can access…
I mean …what up with that???
I thought you were in the GURU UNION Andy…
How DARE you break the code and offer something that a housewife like me can use month in and month out!
How dare you give the little guy a shot at REALLY having that internet business he’s already wanted!
But here is the WEIRDEST PART…
Based upon the price points of the product…
And I am NOT at liberty to reveal them just yet…
But based upon the price points of his product…
Andy’s GURU buddies are gonna make CHUMP CHANGE on this dealio compared to their usual booty…
So WHY in the world are they all promoting it??
Why you ask??
Well kiddies…here is THE LESSON…
Are you ready???
The BIG BOYS are promoting Kajabi (what kinda name is that anyway Sir Jenkins???)
1) The darn thing WORKS and they KNOW their list will be HAPPY if they buy…
2) Andy is a GREAT GUY (not first hand experience by me but I am EXTRAPOLATING based upon my experiences with him and all conventional wisdom)
Get this…
People actually LIKE this guy…
There fore they promote his crap!
What a novel idea…
Instead of going for the JUGGLER with a big ticket launch …
Here we have a guy who is providing a RELEVANT product that will help a lot of folks at a reasonable price and all his big listed buddies GOTTA help him cause it’s simply
What would happen if tomorrow you adopted the policy of I’m gonna be cool…treat people great…
only sell good stuff and make sure it’s priced right?????
Can you say GET RICH and BE LOVED BY ALL????
This is DEEP stuff for all you little marketers out there…
And yet I KNOW that you GET IT.
So listen…
If you want to check out Andy and his groovy videos go over to Kajabi and watch the videos…
No opt in necessary.
I have to tell you that I began SALIVATING the day I caught a GLIMPSE of this tool and that was momths ago.
I have been waiting ever since for it to be available as I am building a platfrom on it.
I am so darn excited I can’t tell you.
And I really wanted to write this post because I wanted to show you this MAJOR LESSON
and introduce you to a walking example of how to make a ton of money and TRULY SERVE at the same time.
Andy…if one of your staff members that is closely monitoring your name and likeness (hope I didn’t break any rules!) picks this up and it comes across your desk…
I just wanna say …
And let you know that I’ll buy you milk and cookies anytime anywhere simply because you DESERVE THEM.
Thanks for watching out for all of us.
We DO appreciate it.
The Magic Of Andy Jenkins (Major Lesson)
8 responses to “The Magic Of Andy Jenkins (Major Lesson)”
Hey Diane,
Great stuff. Looking forward to learning more about this.
Thanks for always taking care of the little guys and making sure that we all know which big guys to look up too!
Make it a great day!
God Bless,
-ed -
Dear Diane,
As usual you always provide great value to the online community and today is no different! I almost bought Video Boss from Andy Jenkins and this looks like it might be an awesome program with push button ease! Respectfully, Jay -
Thanks again for letting us know that there are still good people out there that care about other people and not just their wallet. You are always providing great value and I thank you for it.
Roland -
This sounds good. I am anxious to know more. Thanks for sharing with us Diane!
Fake Server Crashes, I like that one.
But,Thanks for keeping us informed
and it seem to be a hidden message
in this article if anyone caught it.
Thanks a bunches Diane!! -
I want to hear about the strip tease :)! You always keep it REAL!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and Andy’s information. It is great to see someone giving more people the opportunity to be successful instead of just cranking through launch after launch after launch. Not to say those products aren’t great but it reminds me of computers where as soon as you buy one and figure out how to use it they come out with a new super duper operating system and totally different tools and techniquues….ugh! Ooops sorry my server went down…I will have to start my comment all over.
Thanks again!
Paul -
Very excited about this product! Its also great to see people in our industry interested in this! 🙂
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