Ring around the rosy
A pocketful of posies
“Ashes, Ashes”
We all fall down!
Remember this from when you were little?
We played it and giggled not knowing what it meant.
Come to find out as adults this rhyme was about the bubonic plague…
Isn’t this really kinda like the games that are played in the home business industry?
Everyone runs around giggiling…
Hyping up the newest trend…
Roaring on a video about how they got 288 leads today on the flavor of the week
website or how they made $9822.28 in a day with the hot new launch.
And as they SNEEZE these words…as they spew these germs…
They spread a VIRUS that KILLS innocent people left and right…
And very, very often those that thought they were immune end up falling down as well.
Think about it???
Where did they go?
The check flashing sites of just a few years ago…
The ones with the guys holding wads of $100 bills that they said they got via Fed Ex that day???
Remember those?
Where are those programs?
Where are those guys???
Except for a few who are still alive but INSIST on infecting as many as possible before they
go into THAT DARK NIGHT of home business failure and despair.
I mean what do you do after you were making $52k a month in cash via fed ex
and it all GOES AWAY?
What do you tell your wife when she needs to sell her car?
And do you tell your children about all the retired people you talked into the $11k plan
cause it was gonna save their retirement but now they ave to get jobs at 70 years of age cause
ALL their money is gone?
Hell…the virus is SO STRONG that Google has had to step in…The FTC has had to step in.
WHY..because they smell DEATH and they need to stop it.
But in the end..as it has always been in any plague through out history…
The answer had NEVER lied with the government..
It has lied with the PEOPLE
People who educate themselves…
Who take precaution…
Who UNDERSTAND the very nature of the plague and protect themselves.
So now I will reveal to you exactly what the plague is..so you can recognize it when you see it…
So you can inoculate yourself.
And in fact you can quell the very urge inside of you that could cause you to ingest the virus that could KILL YOU.
The name of the plaugue is none other than the age old nemesis of mankind…
And when a person triggers greed to make a sale OR
when they give into to their greed when making a decision…
THIS is the moment when the virus takes hold…
Dooming you and potentially ALL you touch.
It’s DEADLY..and I am begging you to help me STOP this plague
by standing up and TRULY learning how to run a business instead of falling prey to purveyors
of gluttony and avarice.
We as a community are MORE than that.
And each time we patronize a company or person who uses these triggers we encourage it.
Even if you think a tool or course is THE ANSWER…
Consider whether your greed has been triggered in the marketing and if so…
Make a decision to PASS.
Ring around the rosy
A pocketful of posies
“Ashes, Ashes”
We all fall down!
End the plague.
Become a good news merchant.
Dedicate yourself to becoming more valuable to the marketplace.
Learn the skills that will build your security.
And show others how it is done
It’s up to YOU to make a change…
Begin YOUR legacy NOW.
The Home Business Plague
5 responses to “The Home Business Plague”
I think most of us have had a touch of the plague from time to time. I think it’s time we all got an annual inoculation.
Its in all of us and a battle we must wage daily. For sure.
Programs come and go while skills mastered stay with you forever.
Such a great post Diane… Love reading and listening to the TRUTH…
Great blog post.
Greed -one of the deadly sins creates so many victims in its wake.
All those people wanting to circumnavigate the work with cyclers and gifting… Hurt so many people. I saw so many that lost thousands of their hard earned money for promises to double triple their money.
Recognizing those greedy tendencies in ourselves and others and overcoming the urge to participate – will move us in the direction of power.
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