The Goddess Jacqueline Gates Shares Her Thoughts On The Instant Marketing Professional Event

Folks who know me know that I am not one to solicit testimonials as I think that when you ask for them they are just FAKE.
I DO NOT dig all this “so and so endorses so and so” videos that have been popular on blogs for some time.
Personally I think they are all a load of BULL and a goofy technique at best (Sue me for saying it!)
But when someone GENUINELY records something about you and your work it’s an AMAZING thing.
In this video THE GODDESS Jacqui Gates shares her feeling about my Instant Marketing Professional events and shares her COMMITMENT to help people who follow her after the event.
Stuff like this TOUCHES me and fills me with GRATITUDE.
Jacqui is not just plugging my training…she is adding her OWN on the tail end to help insure the success of HER people.
I live to pass on what I have learned over the last 12 years and Jacqui is part of the ever growing LEGACY of The Home And Small Business Network
People who are out to build AMAZING businesses and help OTHERS do the same.
Thank you Jacqui for sharing your thoughts with everyone.
I APPRECIATE you and am SO PROUD of you.


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