Imagine its 2007.
I've worked a year with my mentor...
Developed an audience...
I was just getting started on social media and video and one night on a conference call something washed over me and I let it all come out.
My very first roar!
The first time I truly stopped worrying about what anyone thought of me and let it rip.
It was one of the most liberating nights of my career.
And they just happened to record it.
You can listen to it HERE
Right click if you'd like to download it.
Now imagine
The Diane Hochman Struggle To Victory Tour
This is a streaming copy of my newest cd that is included in Joe Schroeder's Spellbound Home Study Course.It is my story of how I lost 120 pounds, paid off over $40k in debt and went on to build a huge business around my family.It's also me asking WHY NOT YOU?I hope it inspires.diane hochman