Tag: recruiting
Scratch Their Record
Ever struggle with recruiting conversations? Here’s something that will help you… Watch and leave me a comment…
Positioning And Branding Interview
A while back my ol buddy Tim Berger asked to interview me for his magazine and we did a bang up podcast but I never heard back when it was going out so I basically forgot about it. Today while I was googling something this image came up and I thought someone was using my…
If I Look At Yours Will You Look At Mine?
Step back in time to August 2007…. Video is new….Web 2.0 is all the rage….Social Media is growing exponentially. And there I was in my spare bedroom sitting in front of a curtain making what I thought at the time was a VERY fancy video with music and graphics and all kinds of stuff. I…
How To "Get" People
“How do I “get” people?…. That’s what they ask me… Day in and day out …the same question… How do I “get” people? I suppose I used to wonder that question too… But in the end… Isn’t that a ridiculous question? Can anyone really GET anyone??? The answer is NO… But we can INFLUENCE people…
High Level Attraction Marketing Tip
People who sign up people all the time don’t list every single person they sign up in public on Facebook. If you a screaming that you signed up a guy a little to much you are letting everyone know that this is a RARE occasion. If you wanna go big time you need to be…
Hop Skip And A Jump??? Maybe Not
Ever play hopscotch when you were a kid? Remember? You had to go right down the board working your way up and down without stumbling? You had to keep your feet in the box and not loose your balance. And you couldn’t skip the process of tossing the stone into each and every box. You…
Did You Change Your Mind About Being Successful?
Ten years ago, at the beginning of my home business career I was a cold calling fool! I did dials and dials a day. It wasn’t my favorite way of creating business. In fact, I really disliked it. My upline told me to do it and I did cause I was “duplicating” It really stank…