People are SO funny.
They let the littlest things get their panties in a bunch!
The more upset some guy gets with my headline the higher
my open rate is...
The more business I get
And the more people forward it!
And you know what...
I may bug some folks...
But in the end they CAN NOT look away
and its only a matter of time till they are back.
The good news is...
I will be there when they are ready to swim on the deep end of the pool :)
Polar Bears And Middle Bears
Here's a training I did at a Million Mind March event several years ago that might help you understand the concept of polarization and how you can use it in your business.
Leave me a comment with your thoughts.
He Used To Hate me….
Check this out...
Recently I met Darren Hanser while at the Empower Network Event in Austin Texas...
I had seen Darren around the net and knew he was on the leader boards in a few deals so I stopped to hang out with him a bit and chat.
So then a few days ago he asked to interview me and I said SURE...and we figured out a time to get it done.
So we are going through the interview and talking about some high level marketing goodness when Darren bursts out and tells me that he used to HATE
(Polarization in Marketing) The Boy Who Cried Boner!
So it's hysterical...
For the third time in 24 hours someone got all hot and bothered and ranted to me about a particular marketer who likes to be pretty inflammatory in his copy and videos and most recently talked about his "boner"...(yes...I said BONER!)
In this video I explain to you WHY he does this and what the concept of POLARIZATION is.
But I gotta say...this particular guy...aside from knowing how to use POLARIZATION like a precision scalpel...
Part of the reason he is doing it is simply
Some More Behind Closed Door Training
While most people are busy studying Hits, Clicks and Analytics...and how to build a blog...
I am busy studying and teaching what MOVES people and what CAUSES them to become mesmerized.
Having a large following REQUIRES some deep thinking like this.
And when you KNOW what moves people you are pretty much GUARANTEED a large income.
Polarization is an advanced marketing topic...
NOT for beginners.
Watch at your own RISK
Using Polarization In Your Marketing
Video from a private training that I did with Joe Schroeder.
Learn how to become a "polar bear" and become insanely attractive to your prospects.
Learn the hidden code behind Lady Gaga, Sarah Palin, Muhammad Ali and Glen Beck.
Learn why people become PASSIONATE about celebrities and marketing gurus and
employ that in YOUR business.
Lose The Agenda To Achieve The Outcome
In this video I discuss a really important concept for home and small business owners.
You need to lose the agenda in order to achieve the outcome.
Anyone who has a small or home business who is looking to build a bigger list and make more sales has to grasp this concept which is sometimes hard because it seems counter-intuitive.
Internet marketing is all about list building and in order to grow a list you must SERVE the prospects and make sure that they can not smell your sales agenda from a