Tag: network marketing
Business Models To Work From Home
Most people who get into a home business do not know what model they are working. So then when they struggle they search for help and training but often buy training for a different model thus creating a cycle of confusion and pain.
The Difference Between Network Marketing And Attraction Marketing
Here is a Facebook Live Audio that I did after some folks got upset about some comments I made about some marketing practices I was seeing in the marketplace.
It's Not About The Money….Or Is It?
Here’s some home business truth for you. Painful and yet freeing if you let it be. If you are trying to build a home business or a network marketing business you need to get CLEAR on what is is all about. Watch and leave me a comment on your thoughts.
17th Anniversary Replay
We had a tremendous crowd and in incredible time last night at my 17th Anniversary party. My guests were Jen Johnson and Lisa Grossmann and we discussed marketing though all the phases of your career and took q and a. And I had some special offers for folks… Watch here to hear all about them.…
My 17th Anniversary Celebration!
So excited. Tuesday marks my 17th anniversary in the home business industry and I am throwing a party! You’re invited! Tuesday October 4th 9 pm est! Register HERE
Your Three Markets And How To Work Them
Did you know you have three markets? And did you know that each one needs to be marketed to very differently? Most people blow it and wipe out their markets before they even get started due to poor guidance on how to get each market to yield. This concept was passed onto me by my…
Network Marketing Versus Internet Marketing For Your Home Business
Which one is better for a home business… Network Marketing or Internet Marketing? Check out this training I did in conjunction with My Lead System Pro where we dig into this question.
Getting Help From Your Upline
A lot of people complain they do not get help from their leader. I want to share with you how they think. Generally they will give you some directions and walk away for a bit. They want to see what you do… Cause either you are gonna follow through or you aren’t. There is nothing…