Tag: motivation
If your attitude sucks you will NEVER recruit. You will NEVER make sales. People buy your ENERGY. Not your product. You need to get that NOW if you want to change your life. Your ATTITUDE determines everything.
Getting Your Mind to Obey Your Commands
Here’s a recent show I did for The Home Business Radio Network where Cathie Heath and I discuss getting how most people set themselves up for failure in their businesses by training their mind to NOT believe what they say. It’s really a fascinating concept and one that can change your business almost overnight. Check…
There is NO STRUGGLE In Making Money
This is for some people I LOVE… I PRAY they can hear it. But if not I will always be here preaching the GOOD NEWS of prosperity. Come back another day…maybe you’ll hear it then 🙂 On this Valentines day THIS is my LOVE LETTER to you all. And so we begin…………….. ************************************************ I…
Because It's Worth It
So I just finished up day 5 of a 7 day immersion program that I am going through. It’s GRUELING We begin at 8 am and end at 7pm but tonight I got done at nine as I had to go back for a video shoot. I’m exhausted…. Have been exhausted since the day I…
It's All In The Passion Baby!!!
Just got home from California. I attended a marketing seminar that was about taking your PASSION and turning it into a viable business and the trainer said something VERY IMPORTANT that has always been at the crux of my training… It’s ALL about the PASSION And if you don’t have passion for something you will…
Hard Core Or Sugar Coated–You Choose
It’s like it was YESTERDAY… I used to sit in those MLM meetings with such hope…such HUNGER And they kept saying the same thing… Talk to more people… “It’s absolutely out of control!” Everyone is moving up the marketing plan!!! And yet there was NEVER an ounce of meat in those trainings… Just hype and…
When It's Time
When It’s Time… It’s Time And how do you know when that moment has come? When it’s not about a buck…it’s about FREEDOM It’s when a want turns into a need… When a need turns into a passion.. And when that passion turns into an OBSESSION And most of all… It’s when you realize and…