Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes…

This is a weird year for me.

Pretty much everything in my life changed in 2023.

My last kid moved out.

I gave away most everything I owned.

I left my home of 30 years and moved half way across the country.

And this is my first year living on my own for the holidays.

And in a warm climate to boot.


The home business world can be absolutely crazy.

It can take years to know who is who…

Who is trying to help you…

Who is trying to sell you.

Who is trying to control you.

Who is trying to lift you up.

Who really has the knowledge you need and who is full of baloney.

So how do you gain longevity and stay in the game long enough to break through?

4 Steps To Success (Duplication Secrets)

Trying to get your team to perform but not getting anywhere? Perhaps you are missing one of these 4 steps. This is a great old video from 2009 that still stands today. Check it out….do the 4 steps and leave me a comment on your thoughts!

Jam Session Kick Off

Join me and Bert Bledsoe as we kick off our January Jam sessions for serious marketers. If you would like to join us just go sign up HERE and I will include you right away!

Who Do You Need To Be To Make The Money You Want?

The other night I was having a mastermind with some of my top clients. The question of “what to do when ____” kept coming up. What should I do when THIS… What should I do when THAT??? And I stopped them and said … Let me tell you a trick my mentor taught me. Whenever […]

Free Full Length Inspirational Audio

Today I am giving away one of my best selling audios ever… Paddle Paddle Kick Kick… Well actually it’s NOT free… All you have to do to get it is pay with  TWEET or A Facebook post and its YOURS. Help me spread this message to as many of your folks as possible First 1000 […]

Marketing Your MLM Online Is Easy

I cut this right after doing a FIVE(5) hour training with my Mastery Team. The lighting is bad and I look kinda spooky all in black but I think you will get the message! If you want fins out how you can work with us just shoot me an email at

Getting Help From Your Upline

A lot of people complain they do not get help from their leader. I want to share with you how they think. Generally they will give you some directions and walk away for a bit. They want to see what you do… Cause either you are gonna follow through or you aren’t. There is nothing […]

The Money You Want Is Sitting In The Pockets Of Other People....

Join My Newsletter And Let Me Show You How To Get Them To HAPPILY And GLADLY Give It To You

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