So it's hysterical...
For the third time in 24 hours someone got all hot and bothered and ranted to me about a particular marketer who likes to be pretty inflammatory in his copy and videos and most recently talked about his "boner"...(yes...I said BONER!)
In this video I explain to you WHY he does this and what the concept of POLARIZATION is.
But I gotta say...this particular guy...aside from knowing how to use POLARIZATION like a precision scalpel...
Part of the reason he is doing it is simply
Facts Tell…Stories Sell
One of the first things I learned in my home business career.
Facts tell. Stories sell.
At first I didn't like that phrase. It made me feel like I was trying to hide something. That I was manipulating the truth.
Then I realized that was more about my insecurity than anything else.
Facts make us feel safe. We can always go back to knowing how much Vitamin B 12 there is in this pill, or how much protein there is in this shake. We can always tell you how much you'll save with this vacation
Ask Diane—All About Marketing Techniques And Tools
I met a fab chick out in Vegas at the No Excuses Summit and she sent me a note on Facebook
asking me all kinds of questions about marketing and I answered and told her I would probably share it with ALL OF YOU ...
So here are the questions and below are the answers.
Let me know if you have any further questions by leaving me a comment
and I'll do my best to answer.
Hi Diane! Oh boy, do I have some questions for you!!!! If you don't want to answer them for free, I understand, just
Generating Leads Via Bait And Switch???
Here's my take on a widely taught marketing technique that preys on newbies by making them think that
someone is interested in their business but when they take the bait the marketer switches over
to talking about the product that they want to sell.
Have you ever been taught a process like this?
Have you ever been approached with a process like this?
Leave me a comment and tell me what you think this tactic and if you would use it.
And if you have used were your results?