Who you select as a target market and what they want to buy are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS...
So many people tell me their target is baby boomers for example...
And they label all their marketing with the term BABY BOOMERS
Only one problem...
The one thing baby boomers do not want to be is BABY BOOMERS.
They want to be young and vibrant..not constantly reminded by YOUR marketing how old they are and how little they have saved for retirement.
Get it?
Who you select as your target market and what they
Marketing Secrets Revealed
Here's a replay of the HUGE webinar I conducted on Thursday night.
In it I reveal The Full Dimensional Plan PLUS Marketing Cycles and how they work.
Hit the little rectangle on the right bottom of the video to make it go full scre
Lose The Agenda To Achieve The Outcome
In this video I discuss a really important concept for home and small business owners.
You need to lose the agenda in order to achieve the outcome.
Anyone who has a small or home business who is looking to build a bigger list and make more sales has to grasp this concept which is sometimes hard because it seems counter-intuitive.
Internet marketing is all about list building and in order to grow a list you must SERVE the prospects and make sure that they can not smell your sales agenda from a