When your mentor does something in their business that you don't feel you are capable of doing...
Step back...
Take a look....
And ask yourself...
What is the OUTCOME that they are getting that I want?
Then ask yourself...
How can I use MY unique gifts and talents to get that outcome too?
Become OUTCOME BASED instead of focusing on obstacles and your business will change in a FLASH!
You Can Make Up For Being A Weak Marketer (Newbie)
Here's a clip from a live event I did a few months ago.
A lot of people get caught up with the fact that they are a new marketer and that so many people SEEM to have more experience and skill than them.
The irony of this is that the only way to get experience and skill is through DOING and if you are focused on what you don't know versus what you DO know you can never get to where you want.
This clip explains how a NEWBIE can compete in a competitive marketplace and in the end become a PRO.