Tonight (not Monday this week) I am doing the Million Mind March Call at 9:27 pm est
Dial in 641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
If you have EVER failed at the home business game...
Tonight I am gonna explain WHY...
And then I will show you the path I took to
build my dream life.
Sounds pitchy???
But I am pitching YOU on YOU...
Not a deal.
Not a program.
I am talking about a way of thought
So be there at 9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
Oh...and we are offering GOODIES.
After the
Diane Hochman Unplugged
This is a call I did on November 28th 2007.I call it Diane Hochman unplugged as I was asked to do it last minute...So no prep time.You can hear in the beginning I was just having a ball with the Mastermind Group so feel free to fast forward to get to the meat of the call.
Presentations All Day Long
How many presentations can you make in in a day?
In a week?
In a month?
Chances are you don't have enough hours in the day
to make the number of presentations you need to make to
make the kind of money you want.
Join me as I discuss how to make presentations all day with Starlink
MP3 File
diane hochman