Here is a video about a lesson I learned a long time ago from my mentor.
Because of this lesson I avoided many of the mistakes that people make in building their home businesses.
The first step is to DECIDE what you want your business to look like in the end
(Start with the end in mind-Stephen Covey)
Then...look for people who have done what you want to do and look for the "leading indicators"
to their success.
Watch the video to understand what that means and then once you have TRULY consider
Playing Peek A Boo With Your Target Market
If you haven't heard about the January Marketing Training Blitz that we are doing over at The Home and Small Business Network
you definitely want to catch the audio below as we decided last minute to let anyone and EVERYONE attend the Sunday night sessions
all month long!
Then for members only we are working DAILY with people to help them put together their full marketing systems
CUSTOM to THEIR individual businesses.
This is a $500+ course that members of the Home and Small Business Network are
You Can't Buy Home Business Success (Don't LOSE MONEY)
I have been in the home business industry for almost 11 years now and for as long as I have been around
I have watched people try to BUY success.
You can't buy a following.
You can't buy a list.
You can't buy a position in your MLM (if you hope to keep the rank)
Everything must be achieved and following plans that tell you that you can
buy it is setting yourself up for AGONY and LOSS OF MONEY.
I have seen it time and time again so I figured that it was time to cut a video on
the topic.
Love to
That's Just Not What I Want
The other day I did a video...
I said there was a home and small business revolution going on...
You can see it HERE
And there totally IS...
The winds are blowing...
Things are changing and people are getting SMARTER
You see...
All it takes is a little INFORMATION to change the world.
Gutenberg invented the printing press and BOOM...
The world changed...information was flowing... internet...
All created information flow and with each innovation
Lose The Agenda To Achieve The Outcome
In this video I discuss a really important concept for home and small business owners.
You need to lose the agenda in order to achieve the outcome.
Anyone who has a small or home business who is looking to build a bigger list and make more sales has to grasp this concept which is sometimes hard because it seems counter-intuitive.
Internet marketing is all about list building and in order to grow a list you must SERVE the prospects and make sure that they can not smell your sales agenda from a
Who Are You Giving Your Training And Tool Dollars To???
Are You Lacking Confidence In Your Home Business?
Money Is Just One Big Social Agreement
Money is just one big social agreement.
Think about that statement.
What is money but a piece of paper?
In an alter world would it hold any value?
Or would the alien we tried to hand it to laugh at us and
think we were crazy trying to make an exchange with a valueless piece of shaved wood?
The only reason it holds value is that we as a society have agreed to use it as
a currency in our exchanges.
So a ten dollar bill is nothing more than a SOCIAL AGREEMENT ...
Right? Can you see that?
In the
Can't You See I'm Dying Inside
Can't You See I'm Dying InsideThe cry of many a network marketer.They may not verbalize it..But they feel it deep inside...And they are searching in the home business industry for a solution to the emptyness they feel.Sure they need money...But it is so much more than that.Listen to this live call as I express what millions or marketers have felt in their hearts.Money does not come based on what you do...It comes based on WHO YOU BECOME
Why Good People Fail At Home Businesses
Here is the audio of my July 16th conference call.
It is all about why good people...honest people
FAIL at their hone businesses.
There is a REASON why...
And I bet you never thought about it.
If you have been struggling...
Please listen to this.
You will be redeemed.
MP3 File
If you would like the 2 cd set mentioned...
You can go grab it at
Once you get it...
Give me a shout...
Email me at and we'll chat.