Here's another Drive Time With Diane quick clip where I talk about how you can Shake Your Groove Thing and get people to follow you.
Building your energy and attracting people through it is totally the way to take your business to the next level.
She Spoke Her World Into Existence…
Almost 5 years ago.
Long before I was ever on the cover of Better Networker.
Long before I spoke at No Excuses and Live the Dream...
I spoke my world into existence.
I begged my mentor to let me get on HIS conference line
and speak to HIS audience...and I spoke my world into existence.
I spoke like I WAS the leader.
I spoke like I had a million people listening to me.
I spoke like I was a QUEEN when in reality I was
just a little more than a peasant.
I ran my mouth and I let everything
You Can Make Up For Being A Weak Marketer (Newbie)
Here's a clip from a live event I did a few months ago.
A lot of people get caught up with the fact that they are a new marketer and that so many people SEEM to have more experience and skill than them.
The irony of this is that the only way to get experience and skill is through DOING and if you are focused on what you don't know versus what you DO know you can never get to where you want.
This clip explains how a NEWBIE can compete in a competitive marketplace and in the end become a PRO.
Diane Hochman Live Marketing Training
I did my first ever LIVE streaming broadcast tonight.
And believe it or not I didn't screw it up!!!
We had a great time and talked whole lot of marketing (once we settled down!)
Check out the replay and leave me a comment...let me know if you think we should do these more often.
Secrets From Guru Land–Live Class
I sent this to my list...
Sometimes I go into full blown PASSION...
I want to help people SEE how things work sop bad at times I LOSE IT.
But often when we LOSE IT the truth comes out...
You decide...
I'm RILED UP and ready to RANT!
And at 9 pm tonight I am gonna let er BLOW.
414 944-0004
Pass code 9774024#
Secrets From Guru Land...
Ever wonder why a few of us make all the money?
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe YOU are the
Attraction Marketing Webinar
Here's a reply of the Attraction Marketing Webinar from Monday September 19th.
The Problem Is Not The Gurus…It's YOU!!!
Here's a quick half hour listen that will totally change your perspective on internet marketing gurus and how you are conducting business.
So often people fall into the blame game and spend YEARS contemplating what is wrong with all the successful people instead of becoming successful themselves.
Listen...and leave me a comment with your thoughts.
MY ENERGY'S GONE! How To Run Your Home Business When You're Worn Out
SUMMARY: Being successful in MLM or affiliate marketing takes a lot of energy. None of us have it all the time. Here are some suggestions for being successful even when your energy level is low.
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We all get them. Those days when we're dragging ourselves around, dreading the next thing we have to do to manage our home business. Particularly true for those who work in MLM. After all, even with all the technology, it's still a business of talking with and listening to people.
Hop Skip And A Jump??? Maybe Not
Ever play hopscotch when you were a kid?
You had to go right down the board working your way up and down without stumbling?
You had to keep your feet in the box and not loose your balance.
And you couldn't skip the process of tossing the stone into each and every box.
You couldn't just throw the stone in the top box and skip all the others.
You had to go in ORDER.
It was fun.
We played practically every day in elementary school.
And even if you are a guy and hopscotch wasn't your
Do You Need Hands On Help With Your Home Business?
This weekend is my next Instant Marketing Professional Live Event where I work HANDS ON
with the attendees to custom craft their marketing plans.
Most home business owners don't have a PLAN so they set themselves up to FAIL from the get go.
Take a peek at these images and think to yourself...if I TRULY had a mentor who has walked the road before me...
What could happen for me???
Be sure to sign up on the right for announcements of upcoming trainings and live events.