Tag: home business training
Market Domination Technique #1
This is the first in a series about how I keep my finger on the pulse of a space and dominate a market
A Good Starting Point For Your Business
My mentor used to tell me that most people lose a fortune trying to “save money”. Watch this video and see if you fall into this category
Becoming An Instant Marketing Professional
This is a classic video that I cut before we had an event a few years ago but it for sure has some nuggets you can use.
Biggest Advice I Can Give You…
The biggest advice I can give you… If you really want to be successful in a home business… Is to learn MARKETING. Then you will NEVER be dependent on any person or program. It will be all YOU baby! And THAT is a VERY good thing!
I have never been a fan of”goals” Goal setting workshops and all that jazz. Seems like a ton of people work on that stuff but never make much progress. Me…I don’t have time to play games. So a long time ago I trained myself to think in OUTCOMES. Every activity I enter into I ask…
When No One Is Looking…
“What are you doing [in your business] when nobody is looking?” Are you: – writing another blog post, article or video? – meeting 3-5 more people? – sending an email to your list? – doing something that will actually yield revenue instead of “playing footsie on Facebook”? – etc. “It’s champions that are doing what…
Free Full Length Inspirational Audio
Today I am giving away one of my best selling audios ever… Paddle Paddle Kick Kick… Well actually it’s NOT free… All you have to do to get it is pay with TWEET or A Facebook post and its YOURS. Help me spread this message to as many of your folks as possible First 1000…
Bill Murray, Groundhogs Day and Your Business
This is one of my favorite calls that I have ever done. And every year on Ground Hogs day I pull it out. It is originally from February 2009 and was cut as part of the mindset series from a program my mentor used to have. So ignore all the references to the program and…
Getting Help From Your Upline
A lot of people complain they do not get help from their leader. I want to share with you how they think. Generally they will give you some directions and walk away for a bit. They want to see what you do… Cause either you are gonna follow through or you aren’t. There is nothing…