Let's face it.
Most people fail at their home business.
In this live event I share WHY most people fail and how you can escape the traps that plague most home business owners.
Grab a notebook and pen and settle down to catch this training which will shed light on that which most people won't talk about.
I Screw Up In My Home Business All The Time!
I make mistakes all the time...
I screw up...
I forget stuff...
I blow it when I am working on technology.
I don't read directions and realize later on that I made an error
which threw my whole system off.
It's pretty standard for me.
ADHD at it's best!
But when I do..I hold no one else but MYSELF responsible for it.
Cause in the end...
I was the one at the scene of every crime!
(props to Randy Gage)
And what's cool is that SCREWING UP is EXACTLY how you learn to do it right!
What's Your Excuse For Not Making Money In Your Home Business
Here's another quick clip from The No Excuses Summit.
It's about getting past your excuses and drama and getting into your SUCCESS.
Will You Serve Yourself Or Serve Your Master
If you are building a home business or network opportunity you need to ask yourself some really serious questions about WHY you will not serve YOURSELF as much as you will serve your MASTER(boss)
Excuses are the cancer of any business.
Excuses are what keep you from what you want
Excuses will doom you to failure.