I was watching a video about kettle bell swings (a kind of exercise) and when the video was over up popped all the suggested videos and in the middle of all the pictures I saw Tony Robbins...and like so many people in the industry...Tony was one of my very first tastes of personal development to I decided to click and see what the video was about....
I figured the universe had sent it to me...
So why now???
Well I enjoyed the video so much I wanted to share it with you!
In this video Tony
The Magic Of Andy Jenkins (Major Lesson)
In the world of marketing gurus...
In the world of BIG TICKET launches...
In the world of Frank Kerns, Eben Pagans, Jeff Walkers,
John Reeses, Mike Filsaimes, Mike Koenigs...
The list goes on and on...
In the world of multi-million dollar launches where it's dog eat dog and the big boys play HARD...
There's a GUY...
A guy who could care less about all the rules and all the prizes and all the
FAKE server crashes etc...
And his name is Andy Jenkins.
Now I don't know Andy personally although I have
The Fat Lady Is Singing Today (and crying a little bit)–Here's Why…
Look at me...
This was me circa 1999
Notice where I am...
Can you tell by the colors...
It's McDonalds.
That was my regular hangout...
Letting my babies play in the playplace
And stuffing quarter pounders with cheese down my throat
hoping no one would see ...
One or two is normal...
Not so normal.
I was sick...
I was DYING inside...
But there was a little tiny part of my heart that was still beating...
And it came alive that November when I stepped into the home business
I Just Flew In…
And man are my arms TIRED...
Yuk Yuk Yuk
Are you old enough to remember all those bad jokes???
Truth is I did just fly in...
From a marketing seminar out in LA
And I learned A LOT
But not what you might think.
In fact...I was floored by what I got out of the weekend.
You will be TOO.
I hung with Eben Pagan, Frank Kern, all the big boys in MLM Information marketing
And a ton of other cool people.
Tonight at 9:27 pm I am gonna give YOU my revelations.
Yes...you heard right...
I paid $10,000 to