Tag: business philosophy
Are You Ready To Submit???
This is one of my Mindset In The Morning Calls I do with my partner in crime Cathie Heath. Major message here… Quick 15 minute audio. Listen and leave me your comments.
Likes For Lisa! Hangout Recording
Last night we had so much fun on our Everything Old Is New Again hangout which became the LIKES FOR LISA show! (You’ll understand once you watch!) Major discussion on marketing fundamentals and how to take old school concepts and apply them to your new school business. In the end…some things NEVER change. Take a…
New Years Marketing Wisdom
The recording of last night’s kick off webinar… Just a heads up… The one on one consulting offer that I spoke about it sold out. I have a waiting list if you are interesting in the next round.
What Is Freedom???
My version of freedom is not yachts and limos and fancy cars and all the stuff they dangle at you in this industry. My version is a paid off mortgage…no credit card debt and my kids college tuition paid CASH. That my friends is SECURITY. That’s what I am all about helping people do.
Focus On The People
The money you want is in the pockets of other people… Your job is to figure out what you can offer them that will GLADLY have them hand it to you. So why would one focus on a product…as the product does not have what you need? Focus on the PEOPLE….for they are the ones…
The Words That Changed My Life
I cut this video in May of 2009 and just realized that I NEVER posted it on my blog. People always ask me…Diane…where did you get your conviction and philosophy? Diane…why do you never waiver… And if I had to point at one person who gave me this strength it would have to be Jim…
Change Your Self Image To Succeed In Your Home Business
This is video footage of a talk I did to a small group last winter. It’s one of the most profound training I have ever done. In it I demonstrate HOW I changed my self image so that I could continue to move forward in my business even when I was scared and freaking out.…
The Problem Is Not The Gurus…It's YOU!!!
Here’s a quick half hour listen that will totally change your perspective on internet marketing gurus and how you are conducting business. So often people fall into the blame game and spend YEARS contemplating what is wrong with all the successful people instead of becoming successful themselves. Listen…and leave me a comment with your thoughts.
There's Nothing Wrong With Wanting To Be Rich
It was August 2008 and I was just really starting to see the MAJOR fruits of my labor. I had been doing pretty well for quite a while but it was around then that things really went NUTS for me. And I know for a fact that the reason things changed was because of MESSAGES…