It was several years ago..
I was sitting on the tail of my mentor's
pick up truck enjoying an iced coffee on
the first sunny day of Spring when out of
my mouth came an outrageous statement.
"I am gonna have a PBS special"
I'm gonna be like Wayne Dyer and Susie Orman!
My mentor let out a deep laugh and said..
And how do you plan on making that happen?
(He already know I was delusional so he played along)
And then on the side of Route 59 in West Nyack NY
I started to ramble
My Dream To Be An Information Marketing Queen
It all started years ago when I created my very first capture page...
You can peek at it HERE...
But believe it or not it worked like crazy!
(Do not opt in..there is nothing there anymore)
Then I wrote an ebook and that worked like gangbusters.
It wasn't perfect but it did the trick and because I had the right MESSAGE TO MARKET MATCH it converted like no bodies business.
And that's when it OBSESSION...
My quest on how to build my own information marketing empire.
I knew