Secrets From Guru Land–Live Class

I sent this to my list…
Sometimes I go into full blown PASSION…
I want to help people SEE how things work sop bad at times I LOSE IT.
But often when we LOSE IT the truth comes out…
You decide…
I’m RILED UP and ready to RANT!
And at 9 pm tonight I am gonna let er BLOW.
414 944-0004
Pass code 9774024#
Secrets From Guru Land…
Ever wonder why a few of us make all the money?
Has it ever occurred to you that  maybe YOU are the one
stopping YOURSELF from getting YOUR share of the pie?
Gurus have secrets…
Gurus get paid when they prospect…
Gurus get paid when you say yes…
Heck…we get paid when you say no…
We get paid when you are with us…
And the crazy part is that we often get paid when you LEAVE
for the next guru!
You didn’t even notice how often you got billed…
Just like Pepsi…
That charges you for soda…
And their other subsidiary charges you for water(Aquafina)
Charges you when you eat breakfast (Tropicana Orange Juice,
Quaker Oatmeal and Aunt Jemima Pancakes)
And they get you when you work out (Gatorade)
And don’t forget the ITO franchise…(Fritos, Dortios, Tostitos)
They also make Rice a Roni…The San Francisco Treat!!!
And when the day is done you can enjoy some Starbucks Frappuccinos
or a nice cup of Lipton Tea after dinner.
SERIOUS!!  Look it up….
Bug businesses charge you coming and going…
And Gurus think like BIG BUSINESS PEOPLE.
Chances are NOT…
Which is why you are running yourself broke chasing after
the magic pill that will make you  RICH.
How’s that working out for you?
If it’s not you may wanna come by tomorrow night as
I reveal these secrets and more.
 If you don;t change how you are THINKING you CAN’T
change how much  money you make…
And if you are not working with someone who can
show you this stuff you will be on the hamster wheel FOREVER.
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No babies
No whiners
No non starters
No looky loos
Just YOU.
For in the end…
It’s really only YOU AND ME.
Few will follow through…
And many will wimp out and blame me or some
other EXPERT for their pathetic failure.
Bu there’s what’s cool….f you will  follow through…
You’ll get all the attention and training you ever dreamed of.
Multi Million Dollar Grooming.
But this is only for the one in a thousand who will DO what it takes.
Everyone else gets BILLED.
That’s how it works my friend.
And I am not afraid to tell you this cause let’s face it…
You keep buying..don’t you?
You keep giving something new a whirl…
Don’t you?
But here’s the rub…
One blog post in 6 weeks ain’t gonna cut it
Writing ONE article and screaming about it
and asking for feedback from 26 people ain’t gonna make you moola…
Being afraid to spend a dime on ads for your business ain’t gonna take you there.
Geez Louise…
You want to make TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS A MONTH  for gosh sakes!
Do you really think you get to chat on Facebook and the pennies
will fall from heaven?
Do you really think purple sparkly graphics on your website
that you spent two weeks on will make you rich?
I KNOW you don’t.  In your heart of hears you know….
It’s all a FANTASY.
And fantasies are fine…when you are NOT confusing them with
real world BUSINESS.
9 pm est
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We all mourned for Steve Jobs this week…
Everyone posted his picture or a quote or a video…
But less than 1% of people DID SOMETHING to honor his LEGACY.
Wanna be like STEVE???
Take action.
And anyone who wasn’t mourning Steve was busy talking “tea party madness”
or “wall street shenanigans” …Arguing over who is right and who is wrong
and bemoaning the economy instead of DOING SOMETHING.
At some point don’t you just have to say ENOUGH!!!
I’m taking matters in to my own hands instead of being at the mercy
of powers that would strip you bare???
Don’t we have to grow up and set aside those childish ways as the Bible says?
To get out of our arm chars and into REALITY???
If not now…WHEN???
I ask you again…
If you have read this far I have your mind humming and your heart racing…
If you have read this far you KNOW you need to join me tonight.
And BTW..this is NOT another welfare call.
I am not presenting for my whole gang and playing nicey nice.
Begging you to “get back to the person who invited you”
This is a call about studying and working with ME.
You can listen if you want…
And feel free to bring folks…
But after my rant I WILL be giving a HANDFUL of people an opportunity.
You can leave after I do my teaching for all I care.
But if you are sick of the mumbo jumbo you may wanna stay till the end.
Cause there WILL be a time and quantity limit…
I WILL create an irresistible offer…
I WILL create reciprocity between us and have you feeling obligated to me…
I WILL mesmerize your senses and cause you to feel LARGER in my presence.
I’m gonna pull out EVERY trick in the book.
I can do them hanging by my toes blindfolded.
This is the shit you need to learn…
(not ladylike…I know…don’t tell my mother)
Not how to generate 2352 leads from Facebook.
Do you want me to show you all my commission notifications???
Do you need me to take pictures of my checks???
And print outs showing I am the second top recruiter in my primary company?
Do I need to show you all the top ten lists I have been on with the likes
of Frank Kern, John Carlton, Mike Koenigs, Paul Colligan
No..not just the MLM dudes..who are AWESOME…but the
Or are you gonna keep falling for all the RAZZLE DAZZLE?
And can you blame my buddies for dishing it out???
I don’t!!!
They are BUSINESS PEOPLE and that is what triggers folks to BUY.
“Honey…I gotta run to the bank again!!!  5 more checks in the mail today”
But here’s my deal…
And I will close with this…
I am looking for my LEGACY…not more money…
I can make money all day long on AUTOPILOT …
That’s a JOKE.
What I want is to find and develop people who also want to create a LEGACY.
Listen to 2 and a half minutes of me speaking about this
And if this turns you on…
9 pm est 414 944-0004
Pass code 9774024#
October 9th 2011
Everyone else…
Watch TV.
That is all…

DISCLAIMER…If you show up and buy anything I WILL make money.
If you follow through…you may too.
The only guarantee you have in life if YOUR OWN performance.
I guarantee you NOTHING cause I cannot predict what you will do.
The FTC wants me to remind you of REALITY.
So I am doing my part.
Plus…I’d hate to go to jail.
I don’t look good in orange and jumpsuits make me
look chubbier than I already am.

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