Run In…

I recently  had a run in with someone who was publicly bashing me and my business model..the very model that has brought much prosperity to my family and many of the people I work with.
If anyone else does not like who I am or what I do or what I stand for…
That’s cool…and I honor you…You have every right to your opinion.
But I must ask you to PLEASE LEAVE my environment.
I do not have enough room for the people who want to connect with me as it is so please step aside.
I have no time for people who want to hate on me or anyone else.
And in the end…I have no idea why anyone would want to waste their energy hating on anyone.
If you think your model is right…awesome…
Go wave your flag…
But bashing other business models is just down right WEAK.
I believe in FREE COMMERCE.
I believe in people’s right to CHOICE and I believe that no company that I represent should have the right to put me in BONDAGE but on the same token I believe that every company has the right to set it’s own rules to protect it’s own interests.
I can pick and chose who products I want to sell and I will NOT take shame in that I carry MANY products from MANY companies in order to serve my client base and their varied needs…..Just like Home Depot…Walmart, your local supermarket….and Ike and Cora’s general store on the Walton’s…
I carry what my customers want to buy as my loyalty is to THEM.
That is what America was built on.
And that is what I stand by.
Don’t like it…
Then go do YOUR THANG….
no excuses stage shot

4 Responses

  1. Diane, this is so true and rarely said. It reminded me of the Montgomery Gentry song, You do your thing, I’ll do mine.
    “Hey, I’ll worry about me
    You just worry about you
    And I’ll believe what I believe
    And you can believe what you believe too
    I’m gonna keep on working hard
    Make my money the old-fashioned way
    I don’t wanna piece of someone else’s pie
    I don’t wanna piece of nobody else’s pie
    If I don’t get my fill on life I ain’t gonna blame no one but me
    You do your thing, I’ll do mine”
    Keep doing your thang.

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