I generally don’t think much about who is quitting….
I focus on who is WORKING.
People quit every day…
They quit their relationships, their diets and their programs.
Has nothing to so with me.

In fact most of these people will go on to quit again and again
long after they leave me.

I don’t give who is quitting much thought.
I am all about THE DOERS.
Diane why


10 responses to “Quitters…”

  1. I agree.
    You can have a big, beautifully abundant apple tree… even if it loses a some leaves here and there.

  2. You know, at one point in time I was focused on the quitter. It was due to having a person on my team that I believed to be a “superstar” and he stopped working.
    I learned the lesson real quick…I need to keep working and focus on those who are running alongside me.
    It was another part of my learning process on this journey called marketing.

  3. If I base my efforts on the conditon or enthusiasm of anyone I am working with, I am doomed. The only way war is won is by charging up the hill. You dont look over your shoulder to worry about who might have stopped charging.
    By maintining my bearing no matter the challenge, on the other hand, I strenghten my own resolve and the resolve of those who charge with me. They know no matter what, I will be on the mountain with them.
    Thank you Diane, for the inspiration.

  4. I think starting out people tend to focus on the immediate results not the long term. I was there. I have had enough people quit that I realized at a certain point it is not me, it’s them. Good reminder.

  5. Agreed.
    Doers DO………Quitters QUIT. I know where I’d rather be!

  6. Dad used to say, “quitters never win; winners never quit!”
    I am such a novice in this industry; thank you for providing quality “brain food” to convert my mindset from “conventional” business to THIS model of business!

  7. If you focus on who quits, you won’t have energy for the ones who stay.

    1. BINGO!

  8. As Jim Rohn would say, don’t go chasing after the birds.
    If you’re focused on chasing after the quitters or people who said they’ll turn up, but never. Then you’re leaving the farm to grow on its own and the crops will never harvest.
    Focus on the farm!
    Darren Spruyt

    1. Jim Rohn is MY MAN!!!

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