My Very First Roar

Imagine its 2007.
I’ve worked a year with my mentor…
Developed an audience…
I was just getting started on social media and video and one night on a conference call something washed over me and I let it all come out.
My very first roar!
The first time I truly stopped worrying about what anyone thought of me and let it rip.
It was one of the most liberating nights of my career.
And they just happened to record it.
You can listen to it HERE
Right click if you’d like to download it.
Now imagine YOUR break though moment.
I bet its not far off.

8 Responses

  1. This resonated with me as I got caught up in the housing bubble of the last couple of years. I missed a few payments and all my interest rates skyrocketed not on one card but on 8. I am just now getting to a point where this is behind me.

  2. WHY NOT ME????
    Why not me… I am good enough
    I hear my story in yours.
    My family deserves it.
    I deserve it.
    NO more spinning my wheels. I am listening. I am taking action.
    I KNOW and can see it. It will be me.

  3. WHY NOT ME!
    I could give you a million limiting beliefs that run through my head everyday. But they’re getting quieter as my affirmations stemming from personal development get LOUDER! I’m following you’re every command, I’m submitting! I WILL ROAR SOON!

  4. Diane,
    Thank you. Listening to you after being at the hospital this weekend with grandparents…as tears run down my face I hear you.
    Love you,
    Ms Colin DeBre’

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