Money Is Just One Big Social Agreement

Money is just one big social agreement.
Think about that statement.
What is money but a piece of paper?
In an alter world would it hold any value?
Or would the alien we tried to hand it to laugh at us and
think we were crazy trying to make an exchange with a valueless piece of shaved wood?
The only reason it holds value is that we as a society have agreed to use it as
a currency in our exchanges.
So a ten dollar bill is nothing more than a SOCIAL AGREEMENT …
Right?  Can you see that?
In the past societies used rocks, shells, gold, cattle, eggs, gemstones…
Whatever the people deemed to have a value.
So if  that is true…
Can we in fact turn OURSELVES into currency?
Can we turn our words, our thoughts, our voice into something we can use in
transactions to receive that which we desire?
The answer is YES.
And highly developed people have been doing this for centuries
So why not us here in the home business industry?
Right now one of the big lingo terms out in the field is “bringing value”
Everyone talks about creating content that “brings value” to the marketplace
and those that execute this concept properly find themselves at the foot of a pile
of HARD COLD CASH dropping into their inboxes every day…
Because a few people out there figured out how to turn their voice and words into
equity and realized that all people ever really want to buy is ENERGY…
Not diet pills…
Not anti aging lotions…
Not patented nutriceuticals…
Not video phones…
Oh yes…people will buy those things…
But in the end..what people are really after is a STATE…
And if you learn how to be a person who uses words to induce a feeling…
And in a flash…
You and money are ONE.
For money is just one big social agreement.
And people come to want to exchange YOU.
Your energy, your passion, your words.
This is the secret of the masters.
These are the secrets we teach at the Million Mind March
For a free cd set visit:


9 responses to “Money Is Just One Big Social Agreement”

  1. Your writing skills are off the freakin charts..
    Again LADY Diane Hochman you put it out there
    like a crystal ball.. I wonder how many really will see
    the truth in this piece?
    Have I thanked you lately for being YOU, for believing in
    me more than I believed in myself when it was so so so
    Thank You Diane. Jo Jo 😉

  2. Joelle Niedecken Avatar
    Joelle Niedecken

    I’m TOTALLY LOVIN’ all that, Diane!!!!!!! :o) Would you be the Cleopatra or ???? (can’t recall my history right now!) of the today??!! You’re SO RIGHT… rocks, shells, gold, whatever they had… DEEP food for thought!!!!!!! :o)
    Thanks, Ms Cleo,

  3. Joelle Niedecken Avatar
    Joelle Niedecken

    man I gotta work on those smilies on this type of site! 🙂

  4. Diane –
    I agree with what you have to say here! It is not always about the product or the price!
    I recall hearing a statement some time back – I think it was Tom Peters who said, “There is no such thing as a commodity. Everything is about the service.” Having a product to sell means nothing if you are not engaged with the customer and providing value. WIthout this, there will also be someone to beat you on price alone. The majority of people do not want JUST a low price… they want the service and the emotional reassurance even more.
    The customer wants the Salesperson (i am not a big fan of that term) to be the commodity just like you say!
    Kudos! Bravo!
    Be Well.

  5. Yes Yes Yes Diane,
    When we came off of the gold standard paper money became a bit of a stretch of the imagination to me. Then the copper clad coins came along. Some times I think that just prehaps an exquisite shell has more value. But then I remember the fun a bunch of money brings and again I’m a true believer!!!Your “Whammo…” has definately elevated my thinking like being on top of the Empire State Building for the very first time, watching the sun go down through pink clouds as darkness accentuates the New York City lights. Whammo…!!!
    Thanks so much,

  6. Joelle Niedecken Avatar
    Joelle Niedecken

    I left you a note on fb, too, Diane… so, for Cleopatra and You… i TOTALLY meant that in only the BEST sense!!!! When you mentioned gold, for some reason Cleopatra’s who came to mind… GO FIGURE??… lol… so, i don’t recall everything that’s she’s known for… but I ONLY meant in for GOOD towards YOU!!!!!!! 🙂

  7. Diane,Awesome Post! I totally get it!! This is a valuable message that needs to be heard by most marketers I know. There is too much emphasis being placed on externals and product when it is as easy as exchanging youself; your passion, and choice of words. We need to learn how to sell ourselves first. Your words ring true for every area of life. In my choice of field, I discovered the why and my emotions come through whenever I speak about my business and my story. I’m discovering that people want to hear what I have to say. I love your authenticity and essence!
    Thank you and God Bless you!

  8. I am glad to have found your site. There is a lot of helpful info here!

  9. What an eye opening post?
    You have so much truth in eerything you say ,i cant wait to
    extract all of it out of you when i get the chance to work with you personally god bless you !
    p.s sent you an email over the weekend still waiting for your reply?

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