The home business world can be absolutely crazy.
It can take years to know who is who…
Who is trying to help you…
Who is trying to sell you.
Who is trying to control you.
Who is trying to lift you up.
Who really has the knowledge you need and who is full of baloney.
So how do you gain longevity and stay in the game long enough to break through?
Well…First you decide to TRUST YOURSELF above all others.
In a sea of people giving advice and offering you courses and coaches you MUST connect to your own gut or you will be penniless within a year.
Me….I suppose I was lucky.
I was so broke when I started back in 99 I didn’t have the option of just laying down my credit card, closing my eyes and hoping I would make money.
I had to work my ass off and flip every sale into the next to keep things going.
When the income started to roll I took every dime and paid down my debt so in reality I didn’t touch any money at all for several years as I cleaned up my situation
Then I moved into a nice full time income and I parlayed from there.
But let me be clear…
I am NOT saying to invest in the tools and training that can help you go faster and gain leverage.
But I AM saying to BE SMART and get PROFIT MINDED versus being the perennial consumer.
You CAN do this.
It’s VERY possible.
But again….
If you don’t trust you FIRST you will not progress.
Longevity is a state of mind.
It’s DECIDING that you will be here tomorrow and next week and next year and next decade.
It’s patiently building a consumer base that buys from you over and over again.
It’s serving a community and knowing that if you do they will support your business.
Make sense?
Hope so.
If you need me SHOUT.
You can get me at
Or even text me at 860 218-9912 ( not a bot thingy)
Really me!