It's NOT About YOU

In this video I do EXTREME CLOSE UPS to get in your face and convince you that your marketing
is NOT about YOU…
Watch to find out what it IS about.

19 Responses

  1. Hey Diane;
    I was thinking I should have sent you a webcam comment and I should have but I am quite shy, and working on it.
    Any how I just watched your video on facebook about It’s Not About You and I loved it…
    And sent it to a couple of folks I know that needed to hear just that.

  2. Hi Diane,
    Great message. I was fortunate to learn about this a long time ago not from business and marketing but about life when I was in a group studying Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life. The first sentence of the book says… “It’s not about you.”
    Totally blew my mind and changed my life.
    Thanks for the reminder.
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  3. Hi Diane,
    Great message. I was fortunate to learn about this a long time ago not from business and marketing but about life when I was in a group studying Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life. The first sentence of the book says… “It’s not about you.”
    Totally blew my mind and changed my life.
    Thanks for the reminder.
    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  4. Awesome video and you hit the nail right on the head. Alot of people need to see this video and understand this concept. Thanks Diane for your value and saying it like it is..You Rock!!

  5. Diane,
    I just loved this video, and I wish more people would hear it. I skip over on facebook all the time those who are promoting their business. It is “kinda boring”. I want to know who their are and not what their selling.

  6. Diane
    I thouroughly enjoyed that video,I am a 65 year old Pastor
    of a small church in East Belfast.
    I know it is not about me, I must help and encourage others.
    I am struggling to break into the Online Business /Why?
    Because i need One a hundred and twenty thousand pounds for my Church… Now that was easy said, but a lot harder to acquire.
    God Bless You Diane. As i said i enjoyed your video.
    Pastor Laurence

  7. As Usual Diane you only deliver the truth without the b.s. This is why so many follow and learn from you. Thanks for always being real!
    You rock!!!!!!!!!
    Cathy kinnard

  8. I learned this a while ago, but thanks for the reminder. I discovered your page browsing the net one night, and I’m hooked. I like your stuff, down to earth, say it as is, and in plain English. You got me on one of your videos about Facebook & You tube, fear of doing it, putting off and putting it off…well, I’m not on yet, but it is included in my 90 days Plan, watch out! Thank you and keep up the good work!

  9. Diane, You hit the nail on the head with this one. 98% of the DM’s I get on social media sites are people pitching “something”…I don’t even want to get on them anymore. I’m sick of it!
    Thanks for the ‘up close’…you’re awesome.

  10. Diane,
    wrinkles? … you look good 🙂 and great video advice.
    I often give away my latest research in the elevator to captive audience. Occasionally they actually trade it and profit, then they tell others and before I know it …
    Most of my customers have a predefined sequence of learn, win, greed, lose, … learn, win, greed, lose … repeat ad infinitum.
    As ever there is a Big difference between Reading and Doing, that’s why I tell my customers to start DOING ASAP. That is when the REAL education begins.

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