Is Your Ego Getting In The Way Of Your Success

I was reminiscing a bit and going through some old recordings when I came across one
from 2008 that had some good stuff in it so I whipped up the videos that I have put out this week.
Here’s a cool one that includes a great story that Brian Klemmer tells and it also looks at EGO
and how it can really keep you from moving forward in your business.
Let me know what you think by leaving me a comment ๐Ÿ™‚


9 responses to “Is Your Ego Getting In The Way Of Your Success”

  1. Hi Diane,
    I listen to something of you and Joe every day. I love learning at your feet. Whenever I feel out of focus, you bring be back on track. Just think where I’d be if I met you 13 years ago. ; )

  2. Great content Diane as always! I guess we’ve all gone through this at some point – isn’t this about life and not just about business. The more we open up the more we bring through our door..
    The more we close the door with our own self-appreciation the less we will understand and ultimately grow.
    Neil Ashworth

  3. Let-Go the E-GO…
    Watch the
    Out-Go turn into IN-COME !!!
    Our egos LOVE us so much … they don’t want us to CHANGE …
    But the only way to change our IN-COME is to CHANGE our MINDS…
    YOU and JOE have ROCKED my world !!!
    Love you guys and M3 so MUCH !!
    Sitting at the feet of Masters !! wooHOO…

  4. Holly Harris Avatar
    Holly Harris

    Ouch! This one hurt, it rang so true. So much time expended on ego protection and fear of letting go and letting grow.
    No more!
    I am honored to be part of this community, honored to be learning from the masters and mistresses of truth.

  5. Hi Diane,
    I know from watching some of your videos that Jim Rohn was your mentor.
    I think you might enjoy this exclusive Jim Rohn music mix.
    I think it is really powerful stuff. Enjoy Diane.
    Keep up the great work.

    1. The Jim Rohn mixes are way cool.
      Thanks Damien!

  6. I felt like you were reading my own biography in this video. You were talking about me right, haha.
    I am sometimes too smart for my own good and I think that I know something and that is enough, but it isn’t.
    You really speak to what is really going on with people, I really appreciate the tough love, keep up the good work.

  7. Thank you for your honesty. I hope you carry on vlogging. I found you through one of your vlogs.
    You made a great point with the Susan Boyle reference. I think the parrot syndrome comes from people being afraid of their own voice. Susan wasn’t afraid of her own voice. She knew that when she opened her mouth people would shut up and listen. I feel it’s down to each individual to work at making sure their voice is as authentic and melodic as they can make it, and then to use it with confidence and without apology. It is the responsibility of those who are inspired by the original singer (the source in your example) to harmonise and make the tune even fuller, rather than just try to copy the song.
    Thanks for sharing your views and experience with such an authentic and confident voice.
    @rebeccawoodhead on Twitter

    1. Hey Rebecca…
      I love your analogy.
      It’s so true…
      I didn’t make any of this up at all.
      I just try to make it clearer for people.
      Hope to see you around more ๐Ÿ™‚

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