Invest Ten Cents In This AMAZING Tool…

Its back to school time and that means that its the time of year to get an amazing deal on one of the most important business tools you can have.
Watch this video from back in 2009 where I discuss the thing I would run after if my house were ever on fire…
So take ten bucks and head down to Walmart and go NUTS buying this tool that is more important than anything else you can buy for your business.

BTW…in the video I mention some links that are no good anymore.
Remember this is from 2009!
Just grab the idea and run for it and remember that all my good stuff is HERE at


5 responses to “Invest Ten Cents In This AMAZING Tool…”

  1. Hey Diane – I thought it was only me that used notebooks and everyone else used notepad notes on their laptops!! I’m relieved to see your stack and wonder if purple is still your favorite colour!? Cathy in the UK

    1. I LOVE purple notebooks!

  2. Great tip Diane,
    I’ll be starting my own rambow 🙂
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Another great one….interesting how your message has been the same….4 years later! Thanks for always giving the truth whether we want to hear it or not! 🙂

    1. Some things are just evergreen 🙂 They are timeless.

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