I'm Not Happy…So What?

I’m not happy right now.
I have life stuff going on..
Half the time I want to puke and half the time want to punch something.
And the other half I just want to watch TV or sleep
(yes I know that is too many halves….)
But the bottom line is…
When it comes to business we don’t get to just stop when were not happy.
We don’t get to just lay down when we are feeling low.
We have a BUSINESS.
We must carry on or our income will stop.
Just like in a job but to a deeper degree as your business is completely based on MOMENTUM and the result of your laying down today will not show up for 90 days and it will be much more painful than you expected giving you the DOUBLE WHAMMY of having felt bad in your personal life and feeling REALLY bad in your business.
You just can’t stop everything because you feel bad.
You must go on.
Your dreams depend on it.
And even if you feel all your dreams are shattered at the moment…
Letting your business suffer will just lead to ALL your dreams going down the drain.
At least for a while.
So here I am….
Writing a post and sharing with you about why
And how you will be happy you did later.
In fact right now in the face of some pretty serious stuff I am planning for my biggest year ever in 2017.
Quietly plotting on a new direction and new moves.
Because there is one thing I know…
That when the sun in my life comes out again I am gonna emerge ROARING.
Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from shining.
And most of all…
Trust that the path is being laid for you.
We are not always in control but I KNOW that we are always guided.
And that is what I am having faith in right now.

One Response

  1. Diane, I am a Solo Mum of 3 from Western Australia and I have been following you for over a year now. I am one of your free TEC members. I watch your Figuratively Naked Videos which I just love – as it proves to me that we can totally be 100% ourselves and still succeed. Im 46, struggling financially, life has thrown me a few curve balls (OH and I regularly have morning panda eyes, forget to wash makeup off, have one of those pesky chipped teeth as well – that dentists and I have given up on haha). I’m determined to succeed through Attraction marketing, Shopify and Tecademics and just want to say “Thank you for being you!” You are an amazing mentor to people world wide and I just wanted to reach out from one Country to another and one Mum to another and one future Entrepreneur to one Super Successful Entrepreneur.

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