I Made This For You Two Years Ago So You Could Watch It Today

I want you to watch this video.
I made it for you over two years ago…..March 2010.
I was at a seminar and I heard some stuff that had me jumping out of my skin excited.
Fast forward a year to 2011…
I was speaking at the biggest event in the industry in front of a thousand people…
Fast forward another year and I am traveling the world to speak to budding entrepreneurs and help them realize their dreams.
The premise of the video is that MONEY IS ALL AROUND YOU…
You just can’t see it.
And every day you have a choice whether to work on yourself and hang out with people who CAN see it and let them help you see it too…
Or spending another year in the dark.
Every week I come out on Mondays to teach you for FREE.
It’s up to YOU whether you want to show up.
If you do…REGISTER HERE and I’ll see you on Monday nights.
And watch this…see how I KNEW what was coming and where I was going.
I want YOU to have that clarity too.



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