I Know You Have A Great Blog-But Did You Make Any Money This Week?

Do you ever get caught up?
I mean…
Do you ever get really caught up in all the madness?
Have you gotten SO involved in social media…
In getting friends and followers…
In building nerve centers and learning SEO
Ever get caught up in selling a few nickle and dime affiliate dohickeys and making ten bucks…
That somehow…
You forgot what is was that you started out to do?
I mean really…
Ask yourself…
Am I getting closer to the goal I had when I started…
Or am I wading deeper and deeper into the marketing quagmire
That SO MANY of my social media buddies are getting stuck in
like quicksand?
I mean…
I know you have a great blog and all…
But did you actually make any money this week?
Did you actually make any presentations for your program this week?
Did you sign anyone up?
Serious…between you and me…
Sting a little bit?
I thought it might.
It is SO DARN EASY to get caught up in all the STUFF
That you forget the DESIRED OUTCOME of your activity.
Remember once upon a time you wanted to create a residual income
so you could stay home…
But somehow that slipped away and now you are a busy beaver working
at all kinds of things…
And MAN O MAN are they cool things.
Let’s face it…
The stakes are higher these days…
And if you don’t have a fully optimized wordpress blog
with an amazing theme plus custom graphics and a matching set
for your Twitter and YouTube…
Well basically…
If you don’t got that stuff you are a LEPER.
So you stay up all night for weeks on end…
Beat your head against the wall
And actually learn it all…
Except for one thing….
You ain’t made a presentation for weeks…
Your upline is pissed…
Your check is tanking
Your wife wants to kill you and
Your kids don’t remember who the heck you are…
But DAMN you got a cool blog!!!!
Just a little something to think on…
A friendly public service announcement from the
Digital Dork That Could
As Steven Covey says…
You need to begin with the end in mind.
For if you forget your outcome for just a quick minute
You can wind up pretty off course and with all kinds of skills
that will be useless a decade from now.
Never forget…
Network Marketing is a business of PEOPLE
Learning how to maneuver people.
And I haven’t met a blog yet that can do it.
An excellent copywriter with a hot blog…
And excellent speaker with a blog
Any kind of off the hook COMMUNICATOR with a blog…
Average guy with cool blog…
Which is pretty much the same at the contents of his bank account.
Advice for the ages
Spend more time on understanding the people than the technology.
Do that…
And you have a shot.
And now my conclusion to you my fine friend.
You pioneer doer…
I know you are cause you wouldn’t have read down this far if you weren’t…
Your answer for 2010 and beyond lies NOT
in Social Media…
But in
Social Psychology

Take a look around at every leader that has ever graced this industry
and you’ll know my words are true.
All the best to you…
Your Technically Challenged Buddy Who Cracked the Code


9 responses to “I Know You Have A Great Blog-But Did You Make Any Money This Week?”

  1. LOL, love your post and how you presented it. Very engaging, thank you so much.

    1. David!
      You looked like you were spinning!
      Do you have one of those office chairs that you can spin around in?
      Or was it just your camera?
      So good to see you no matter what 🙂

  2. Diane, I really loved this sentence: “Your answer for 2010 and beyond lies NOT in Social Media… but in Social Psychology.” In fact to me it’s so intriguing and outside-the-box that I tweeted it to @garyvee to see if he bites! And I’ll write a blog post inspired by your prediction – thanks so much.
    Like you I’m appalled and mystified at the lemming-like rush by everyone from celebrities down to your ordinary-Joe/Mary to acquire twitter followers as if that’s internet marketing’s holy grail.
    BTW, regarding most of your pearls of wisdom about what NOT to do, I’ve gone and made all those mistakes already. If I’d found your site 6 months ago it would have saved me megabucks.

  3. David Dalby Avatar
    David Dalby

    Just bought a new swivel leather chair for my office. I was spinning on my heels with laptop in hand. Like the sound and video commenting feature very COOL! had to try it 😉

    1. I KNEW it!!!
      I love my spinny chair.
      Now we can spin TOGETHER!!!

  4. Diane,
    I was on your call this evening, and have been trying to leave a message on the 800 number you provided, but it is not going through. I dialed back into the call, but for some reason you are not able to hear me I guess. If you could let me know how to speak with you, I would appreciate it. Thank you and have a Blessed Day.

  5. Fanta Tikole Avatar
    Fanta Tikole

    This made me smile on the inside… I have been studying what the big time copywriters, speakers and communicators do all the while building my little bird nest. Next stop Social Psychology

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