How To Turn A Profit In Your Home Business Every Month

It’s rampant.
People starting home businesses and not turning a profit.
Today it almost seems like it’s “normal” to be in the red.
Well not to me…
I have been in business for 12 years and I have NEVER had a month where I lost money.
How the heck did I do that?
Check this video out:


4 responses to “How To Turn A Profit In Your Home Business Every Month”

  1. Diane,
    it just goes to prove the power of intention/ insistence!!
    with Everyday Consistent Action Taking…
    along with a True Need!!
    by the way, did the kids love the macaroni better than
    the chicken…:):)

  2. Diane,
    This is so important. I hope every newbie listens to this training and those no so new, too.
    Another thing I’d add along with turning a profit and having a budget is to set up accounting books. You don’t have to go buy software, you can use a spreadsheet or pencil and paper, but seeing your profit and loss can help you stay and budget and prevent those impulse purchases.

  3. Hey Diane – Great video, I also just finished looking at your video from your Better Networker Interview, great stuff and as I have now learned to “Always Lead with Value” and it has made a HUGE difference in my business! ~ Mark

  4. […] don’t expect overnight success.  My friend, Diane Hochman preaches to get profitable and stay profitable in your business.  Amassing a lot of little wins […]

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