Home Business Guru Marketing Skill #2-Building A List

The next in a series of 5 videos discussing the top skills of home business gurus.
This video was shot by a buddy in the audience and although the quality is not perfect…
The message is still clear.
The biggest advice I can give you about becoming successful in your business is…


4 responses to “Home Business Guru Marketing Skill #2-Building A List”

  1. Loving This Post. Diane. I love this post thanks for sharing. You’re so right about looking for people that are looking for me. I don’t struggle with capturing but I struggle with the communication. There is a school of thought that says you must email your list every single day with a valueable tip then an offer for a product at the end of your email. I’m really struggling with this. I know it works but it doesn’t sit well with me. am I in the wrong mindset?

  2. Great post. I have overlooked my list and I will begin growing it now. Thank you!

    1. Good for you Calvin.

  3. Good stuff here Diane. I like the video. It’s good to point out that NOW is the time to start. I think some people just feel so overwhelmed to start, but it’s amazing how much it’s possible to build a big list within a few months.

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