He’s Right About This…

I’m under the weather.

I have that fabulous holiday season cold ad I’ve been trying to kick it before it’s time to head to my parents for Christmas.

So what do you do when you’re sick?

You lay on the couch and watch YouTube.

I’m a YouTube junkie and always have a watch later list of things I want to take a look at when I have some downtime.

But today I looked at my feed at something jumped out at me.

It was the Brad Lea podcast and his guest was Tai Lopez.

Now I have to tell you…

I’ve never been a fan of this guy.

He’s flashy, brags a lot and I’ve seen him make some outrageous claims over the years.

But for some reason I got pulled in and listened to these two men and some of what they had to say was profound.

Tai spoke about how the education system had changed over the years from a kinesthetic system to an auditory system.

What that means is that in the past people earned by actually doing things with their teacher.

The students had mentors and they were the apprentices until they had learned a skill and became a master in their own right.

For centuries students sat with their mentors and learned at their feet.

This is where the concept of a GURU comes from.

Guru means mentor, guide, expert, or master

And the goal was to learn from one until you became one.

But somewhere alomg the line we moved to classrooms and listening versus doing as the main learning method in society.

Only one problem…

Only 10% of people learn from just listening.

Now me…

I guess I was lucky.

I am ADHD and I figured out early on that classroom learning was not how I was going to unleash my genius so I have always sought out “gurus” aka teachers that wanted to let a precocious student sit with them and work with them and learn by doing.

And this is why I have always taught the way I’ve taught via workshops and events where I could TRULY lay hands on the people versus just recording something that I know most people will not be able to learn from.

And for the record…to me…learning is not about intellectually understanding something.

Learning is about being able to execute the thing you decided you want to master.

And the responsibility for that lies on the STUDENT…

Not the the “guru”

The teacher is there to continually help you SEE things from a different perspective…

Not to get you to DO YOUR WORK.

Cause if you are looking for a person who will get you to DO YOUR WORK…


You WILL lose money.

Because no one is gonna do that for you but you.

When you think about it…

Ancient masters were honored and revered.

And contemporary teachers have been ridiculed and dissed.


Because the role is completely different and the pain of sitting at a desk is BIG.

No wonder we hated our teachers.

They were trying to force us to learn in a way that is completely unnatural to us.

So now take a step back and think about how you have been trying to learn how to build a stable income from home.

Do you have a teacher that you have committed to?

Or are you buying a course every other week.

Do you have personal access to your teacher or are you just one in a huge crowd.

Do you go to events for hands on learning or to take pictures with all the people that make all the money (I think this is an absolutely bizarre practice)

For me…

The teacher path is way smarter all day long.

And today Tai Lopez completely changed my mistaken opinion of him.

He may be flamboyant and at times pretty damn bold…

But clearly he’s a very smart man and he took true advantage of being a master student to master teachers.

And hopefully you will too.

I’ll be back tomorrow to tell you a bit more about what I have up my sleeve for 2024.

I’m looking for a few special people who truly GET what I’m talking about here.

It’s remarkably profound advice.

Finding your MASTER  and COMMITTING to being a MASTER STUDENT will change your life.

And shrink your learning curve dramatically.


I better wrap this up.

I am still sniffly and need to get myself into bed.

Hopefully I’ll be coming to you tomorrow as a healthy girl.





The Master Student and Master Teacher

It’s The Circle Of Life

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