I admit it…I am an old curmudgeon.
I HATE hype…
I HATE product claims…
I HATE income claims…
But not because I don’t like to sell…
BELIEVE me I LOVE to sell
The reason is something more.
Watch this video to find out WHY I hate all this stuff and fight it every day out in the marketplace.
Let me know your thoughts.
5 Responses
What you are describing, and expressing your disapproval of, is a byproduct of the accessibility of network marketing as an opportunity. The vast majority of people who join network marketing companies are not trained professionals, and do not have much if any education in marketing as a professional. That is both the blessing and curse of network marketing. That accessibility provides opportunity to the masses: but most people just want to grab something that is supposed to work so they can make money. In general they aren’t focused on who it is they are to become, and the impact they make. They are focused on what they can get – right now. There may be many solutions, but the one that seems to be the best is to take advantage of the fundamental force of duplication by teaching and demonstrating how it should be done, and as Ray Higdon says, elevate the energy level of the profession. So, in short, I do agree with your comments. We simply need to lead by example and by being visible and viable.
Totally agree with you. The hype type capture pages drive me crazy and feed on those hopes of others they can make massive cash in a few days. Building a business takes time for some it’s quicker than others based on skills and commitment.
You have to ask yourself, do you want to build a customer base or are you trying to just get the one time sell. You will eventually run out of people unless you are building return customers and helping achieve what they want.
And do you really want to work with someone who is attracted to that type of hype?
Just working on this web site getting it set up have my company one http://www.sandralnielson.teamvisi.com..Loving your coaching and I am treading my way through MLSP
Internet Marketers often sell based on their best results which often include contacts with other marketers with big lists which means the new starter is misled into thinking they can achieve the same results without the same resources and that is a recipe for disaster and frustration on the part of the new starter who often give up and that translates into less future business. Fortunately your ideas, philosophy and material when executed properly and consistently produce the results necessary to build a stable business which means Happy Days.