Did You Change Your Mind About Being Successful?

Ten years ago, at the beginning of my home business career I was a cold calling fool!

I did dials and dials a day.

It wasn’t my favorite way of creating business.

In fact, I really disliked it. My upline told me to do it and I did cause I was “duplicating”

It really stank to tell you the truth…rejection after rejection…

But I will never forget this particular call…

It taught me something I still use to this day.

One of the first things we do in any kind of call is establish a relationship with the person we’re talking with.

It needs to be genuine, even if it’s fleeting.

And if we’re contacting cold leads and trying to turn them into warm ones we have to cut to the chase pretty quickly.

BOOM–ya gotta get in QUICK.

So I called this one lead…

A chick from Florida.

Unlike some of the others who treated me as an annoying telemarketer, she was actually pretty cool.

I did what I was  trained to do…ask questions and find out what they want.

After a few minutes of finding out what she wanted and why she wanted it, I knew I could help her…

So I offered her an opportunity to take a look at some of the materials involved in our home business.

She got jacked up and begged me to send her some stuff.

So I planed a time to call her again and I put the stuff in the mail.

A few days went by and I called her EXACTLY when I said I would.

This time the tone was different.

She was all weird and told me she hadn’t had a chance to look at the materials.

She also said she didn’t think she would have a chance to fit a home business into her schedule.

Because I knew all about her from our first call  l I knew a home business would be a great fit for her.

And I knew she was just wigging out as so many people so when it comes time to do something REAL to change their situation.


I asked her what seemed like a natural question:

“Did you change your mind about being successful?”

That stopped her in her tracks. She answered me…

“Wow! You’re a really good salesperson!”

That’s the interesting thing.

I really wasn’t trying to be a salesperson, although looking at it now it does seem like a pretty cool technique.

I was simply doing what came naturally.

I got to know a little bit about her and her dreams, then asked a question that seemed IMPORTANT to her.

She had told me she really wanted to be successful…so I reminded her of what she said

And it kinda flipped her out cause she realized that I had actually listened to her!

So did she change her mind and decide to work with me that day?


She wasn’t ready

But I came away from that call much more confident about what I was doing and how to inspire people.

And years later I continue to do the same thing (even though my cold calling days are long gone).

I build relationships.

I ask people about what’s important to them.

I listen to their answers.

I offer them solutions…the ones that are right for them.

And I improve the quality of life for a lot of people and make a lot of money at the same time.

Do you think this is something you can learn how to do as well?

Try it! Ask the right questions.

Then playfully but assertively remind people of what they want and how you can help them get it.

And BTW..the upshot of the story is that I kept in touch with this gal cause she gave me permission to…

And lo and behold a couple of years later she made a HUGE purchase with me.

The magic was all in the RELATIONSHIP and the QUESTIONS.

It ALWAYS is 🙂


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