Watch this talk by Gary Vaynerchuk and tell me what you think.
I personally agree.
Using Video To Promote Your Network Marketing Business
Great training on using video to promote your network marketing business and also to retain your team.
Panties In A Bunch!!!
People are SO funny.
They let the littlest things get their panties in a bunch!
The more upset some guy gets with my headline the higher
my open rate is...
The more business I get
And the more people forward it!
And you know what...
I may bug some folks...
But in the end they CAN NOT look away
and its only a matter of time till they are back.
The good news is...
I will be there when they are ready to swim on the deep end of the pool :)
If You Loved What You Sell…
If you LOVED what you sell...What would you say about it TODAY.
If there were no rejection...
If no one could say no...
What would you say about your product or service?
How would you share it with the world?
(I would LOVE to have you share that below in comments. NO LINKS. If someone is interested I will get them in touch with you)
The Ultimate Game Of Life Call ($1750 in Bonuses)
Here is the audio from last night's call.
When you decide to link arms with us and join in the journey this fall I will also give you FREE access to my December Intensive Month Long Immersion Experience ($1000 value) and THREE one on one sessions($750 value) to help you make the most progress and explode into 2014.
This offer expires at midnight pacific TONIGHT.
Invest Ten Cents In This AMAZING Tool…
Its back to school time and that means that its the time of year to get an amazing deal on one of the most important business tools you can have.
Watch this video from back in 2009 where I discuss the thing I would run after if my house were ever on fire...
So take ten bucks and head down to Walmart and go NUTS buying this tool that is more important than anything else you can buy for your business. the video I mention some links that are no good anymore.
Remember this is from
A Conversation About Nothing With Lisa Grossmann
Here's the recording of a very PROFOUND conversation about NOTHING with 24 year home business industry vet Lisa Grossman.
We had technical problems so there are two parts
If you wanted access to the class we mentioned during the hangout you can click HERE
Are You Attending Networking Events?
Some thoughts as I head off to bed after spending a great day networking at JV Alert Live
Why Attraction Marketing (Interview)
Watch this interview Bob Clarke did with me.
I think you will find it enlightening and if so join us TONIGHT at 9 pm est for a FULL Attraction Marketing Training
Register Here
Pandering Peddlers
Lord I love the home business industry...
But man do I have a distaste for the assorted PANDERING PEDDLERS we find wandering around these parts.
Definition of PANDER
: to act as a pander; especially : to provide gratification for others' desires
There you go...
To provide GRATIFICATION to people's basest (lowest) emotions.
I want you to stop and think about this for a minute...
And ponder...
If you have been recruited in to a program lately...
How did they do it...
Based upon their professional