I cut this video in 2013 and my thoughts have not changed.
Gary Vaynerchuk is a very big influence in my business life.
In many ways I feel like he is my brother from another mother.
If you are not following this boy ...YOU SHOULD.
I was fortunate to have shared the stage with him a few years ago and look forward to our next meeting
Look Ma!….I Made Money!!!
My thoughts on income claims and all the crazy biz op posts on social media.
Meeting People On Facebook
Here's an old training I dug up on meeting people on Facebook..
And ya...
A few things have changed and Facebook is stricter than ever about adding friends but the core concepts here are solid and stand true for any social media venue.
Let me know your thougts.
Have You Ever Taken A Break From Facebook?
Ever hear someone say they are taking a break from Facebook?
Or even considered doing it yourself?
There are a lot of reasons why people walk away from Facebook and I thought you might be interested in seeing this infographic that Social Media Expert Don Crowther put together.
Here he is speaking of the general population but when we look at Facebook from a business perspective we really need to take our emotions our of the mix or you can really get eaten alive reading all the stuff in your
Good Marketing Habit
You want to get in the habit of SHARING great content you
come across via all your social media channels.
People notice when you share their stuff and tend to reciprocate.
The Do's and Don'ts Of Facebook Marketing
Most people who attempt to market on Facebook fail miserable simply because they do not know the dos and don;t of facebook marketing.
Social media marketing is a very special arena and different than all other marketing out there.
When marketing on Facebook you need to have a real respect and understanding for your prospects.
You are building a tribe of people that will follow you and buy from you again and again so you need to keep this in mind when putting out content and posts.
Check out this
Should I Automate My Social Media Marketing?
Everyone talks about fancy dancy social media automated marketing that supposedly gets you millions of leads.
Everyone seems to want to sell you all kinds of tools to automate your marketing...but the question is...
Should you?
Will automating your social media really get you what you want?
How To Get On The Cover Of Better Networker Magazine For Free
Back when I was just starting out I dreamed of standing up on the
stage at my M.L.M teaching and training folks...
I suppose I am just a teacher by nature so it always appealed to me
to get up there and show people how to do stuff.
But as i got introduced to internet marketing I saw a much bigger
classroom and decided it was my "assignment" to help people
with their home businesses and show them stuff it took me
YEARS to learn so that they could make money much faster than I did.
If you have
Webinars Gone Wild Are Back!
If you have never been on a Webinar Gone Wild With Me you are SO missing out!
I've decided to bring them back and bring them back in a HUGE way.
So from now until the end of the year we will be meeting every Monday at 9 pm est and delving DEEP into Attraction Marketing And MLM Mastery.
Every week we will be covering a topic that impacts all marketers and showing them how you can create a business of ease and flow that will allow you generate leads and recruits on demand.
Register HERE and put it
Attraction Marketing Myths And Truths
In this quick chat that I recorded tonight I talk about the myths and truths surrounding Attraction Marketing.
Attraction Marketing has been around for quite a few years now and a lot of people who tired it have basically given up which is a total shame as I am living proof that it really works!
Listen to the audio and please leave me your comments and questions.
And if you want to preview the Attraction Marketing System that I choose...Check out My Lead System Pro.
My whole team gets HANDS ON