Category: Marketing Mindset
Who Do You Need To Be To Make The Money You Want?
The other night I was having a mastermind with some of my top clients. The question of “what to do when ____” kept coming up. What should I do when THIS… What should I do when THAT??? And I stopped them and said … Let me tell you a trick my mentor taught me. Whenever…
Free Full Length Inspirational Audio
Today I am giving away one of my best selling audios ever… Paddle Paddle Kick Kick… Well actually it’s NOT free… All you have to do to get it is pay with TWEET or A Facebook post and its YOURS. Help me spread this message to as many of your folks as possible First 1000…
Get Pissed Off To Succeed In Your Home Business!
Here’s a quick 15 minutes of MIND PAIN for you. Your success lies next to what angers you the most. Click Here To Listen
Welcome To Camelot
Here is the first audio from our new Enter The Abyss Series. It’s called Welcome To Camelot…you will understand why when you hear it. This is the ONLY one that will be posted in public. If you would like to see the video that I mention contact me at with the subject line INCLUDE…
Come Into The Abyss With Me
Thursdays I am doing something new… A webinar series like none other that you have attended… Really its a call…there will not be slides…maybe a picture or two… But we are using the webinar room so folks can access from overseas easily. Into The Abyss is all about YOUR MIND and how to TRAIN YOUR…
Do You Have A Profit Mindset?
Last night on our Webinar Gone Wild I had a very special visit from Ryan Angelo…coach to MLM rockstars. Check out this reply where he takes you into a trance and helps you find your profit mindset.