Category: Marketing Mindset

  • You Need Help???

    I always loves when someone tells me that I didn’t help them and uses that as an excuse to QUIT… I am here every single day…day in and day out. I ALWAYS show up. I have for FOURTEEN YEARS. Doing calls, webinars, writing letters, publishing blog posts, doing team trainings, creating reams of content for…

  • The Magical Mystery Tour

    Here’s the recording of The Magical Mystery Tour hangout from Monday… The content actually begins at minute 7 so fast forward if you like!

  • You Don't Really Want One…

    If you do not have a list yet….You don’t really want one. If you do not have a downline yet…You don’t really want one. If you do not have an income from home yet….You do not really want one. Think about it. Cause here’s what I KNOW. Once you want it… You WILL find a…

  • Progress

    I have never been a fan of”goals” Goal setting workshops and all that jazz. Seems like a ton of people work on that stuff but never make much progress. Me…I don’t have time to play games. So a long time ago I trained myself to think in OUTCOMES. Every activity I enter into I ask…

  • Wisdom

    How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16

  • Is Anybody Really Making Any Money?

    I look around the industry and at times I get SO disheartened. So many people not making any money. Just look at any companies income disclosure and you can see it staring right at you… The hard cold FACTS telling you that most people do not make much at all. Whose fault is it? The…

  • When No One Is Looking…

    “What are you doing [in your business] when nobody is looking?” Are you: – writing another blog post, article or video? – meeting 3-5 more people? – sending an email to your list? – doing something that will actually yield revenue instead of “playing footsie on Facebook”? – etc. “It’s champions that are doing what…

  • See Ya!!!

    Just got an email from a person who said he wanted to sign up with me in something but he needed me to call him right away to discuss how I was gonna train him and what bonuses I was gonna give him or he was gonna call another leader who he had found… Kinda…

  • Unsolicited Advice

    Unsolicited advice…but I am giving it anyway. If you happen to find yourself in a place where via sweet serendipity you are making a boatload of money because your program exploded and you were in the right place at the right time… AWESOME. Now save a lot of that money. Pay off your debt. Pay…

  • What Is Freedom???

    My version of freedom is not yachts and limos and fancy cars and all the stuff they dangle at you in this industry. My version is a paid off mortgage…no credit card debt and my kids college tuition paid CASH. That my friends is SECURITY. That’s what I am all about helping people do.

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