I Suck!

Normally I would give you a little synopsis of what you are about to see but if I did it would give away the twist of the video…

So all I will say is that I SUCK!

Groundhogs Day 2016

Here we are again… It’s Groundhogs day. February 2nd. And as I have every single year since 2009… I am sharing this very special audio with you. If you are stuck in a rut…. If you can’t seem to break free… You NEED this audio. It will make a difference… So much so that people […]

The Final Deep Abyss of 2015

Tonight is the final gathering of The Deep Abyss Mastermind Group. I made you a video about what is going on. If you are in…Join HERE

Only You

The fire in your SOUL is what will take you there. Knowing that YOU and only YOU can touch certain people and making it your MISSION to reach out to those folks no matter what is what will carry you to the life you want. It’s not in a person, or a program or a […]

One Off The Coolest Things I Have Ever Gotten To Do…

So last night I was on the couch feeling kinda tired watching my beloved husband and daughter jumping all around cheering on the Mets as they swept the National League Playoffs to go to The World Series. They were in pure bliss as two back to back homers were hit and it looked like there […]

Why People's Opinions Of You Aren't Real

I came across this video on Facebook today and it just blew me away. Last week on The Deep Abyss Mastermind we talked a lot about going back to a childlike state in order to find your genius. And then I see this video that concurs with my thinking and I KNOW that it’s time […]

Is This True?

Is this true? Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.                

False Hope?

I admit it…I am an old curmudgeon. I HATE hype… I HATE product claims… I HATE income claims… But not because I don’t like to sell… BELIEVE me I LOVE to sell The reason is something more. Watch this video to find out WHY I hate all this stuff and fight it every day out […]

Are You Ready To Submit???

This is one of my Mindset In The Morning Calls I do with my partner in crime Cathie Heath. Major message here… Quick 15 minute audio. Listen and leave me your comments.

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