Category: Home Business Training
Are You Hustling In Your Your Business Or Just Waiting?
Watch this video and ask yourself….am I truly hustling in my business or am I just waiting for something to happen? Hustle is the way of winners!
Jam Session Kick Off
Join me and Bert Bledsoe as we kick off our January Jam sessions for serious marketers. If you would like to join us just go sign up HERE and I will include you right away!
How To Create Relevant Content
Another in my series of Ask Diane videos… This time we discuss how to create relevant content… How to get into the mind of your prospect
How To Keep Your Focus
Recently I sent out a survey asking people what their biggest home business questions were. This one was a biggy with tons of people asking it. How Do I keep My Focus Watch and leave me your thoughts.
Posture–How To Get It And How To Use It
Here’s a great training we did on posture. How to get it and how to use it in your business. Watch and let me know your thoughts.
Freemium, Ethical Bribe, Lead Magnet, Content Giveaway ???
Freeium??? Ethical Bribe??? Lead Magnet??? Content Giveaway??? What are all these things and how can they get you leads?? Watch this video and find out!
Pillars Of Marketing
What are your pillars of marketing? Whats your plan if one of them dries up? Do you know what to do if all of a sudden your lead flow stops? Watch this video for some ideas on that.
Your Sponsor Is NOT Your Friend…
I hear it all the time… My sponsor is too busy for me… My sponsor never calls me… My sponsor favors other people… On and on.. And this thought process is one that can KILL your business development. Watch this video and change your thought process and watch yourself be FREE to FLY!
Marketing Heart To Heart
This past Tuesday I decided that I needed to have a heart to heart on my weekly Ultimate Freedom Webinar I let it all hang out and shared some stories of struggle from my long career in marketing. Grab a beverage and watch. It may make a difference for you. And if by chance you…