Mark of a leader...they NEVER complain. They keep their DRAMA to themselves.
Because they do people perceive them as MORE and are INSTANTLY attracted.
Of course they have "stuff"
They choose not to INSERT it into the consciousness of others.
Choose Clarity
Tip....if you are "confused"....ask a productive question that will help you get "unconfused" as opposed to running around telling everyone how "confused" you are.
Confused Is a state of mind you choose.
Why not for just today choose CLARITY.
I think you'll like it!
Are You In Action?
Its always interesting to watch...
People sign up for a program and then they just STAND STILL and wait for someone to tell them what to do.
But as an entrepreneur...
YOU must be the one that figures out what to do.
That is how the money is made...
Read the directions...take action...make money!
Use your sponsor for guidance when you get stuck.
And if they can't help you go to someone who can.
But it ALL starts with YOUR action.
Without that nothing happens.
It's Not About The Money….
When you get to a certain point in your career its not the money that motivates you anymore...
It's the mission.
My two loves have ALWAYS been teaching regular people how to market and make extra money in a home business and teaching people new ways to THINK in order to set themselves FREE as human beings.
My calling is to find larger and larger audiences to share my message with...
Some people interpret my moves as a desire to "grab more money"
Those that do don't know me very well.
Trainers vs Mentors
Trainers teach you what to do...
They are nice to have. They teach cool stuff...
Mostly things that will change with time...
On the internet that change can come within weeks...
Mentors teach you how to to approach a situation...
how to interact with to see the money all around you.
Most often they teach what NEVER changes.
Big difference.
Mentors will never seem as sexy as trainers.
In fact sometimes they can seem downright boring always going on about the same
What Is The Purpose Of This Activity?
Something that helps me when I feel myself getting off on a tangent
(which happens a lot to adhd types like me!)
Is I ask myself...
What is the business purpose of this activity.
If I don't know...or if it takes me to long to answer that question I quickly redirect myself.
I have tightened up my activity and my phone time tremendously with this technique.
When you are must have a business purpose..not a social one.
People lose YEARS of their time in this trap
Everything Through Their Eyes
People just don't get what it means to find a mentor who is willing to dump their brain into yours.
In order to get what you need you temporarily suspend your personal interests and make THEIR interests your own.
The only way to assimilate their mind is to see EVERYTHING through THEIR eyes.
The only way to do this is to take on their business as your own for a short while. wont earn any money. ..
But you get to rehearse on a much larger stage
Become Outcome Based
When your mentor does something in their business that you don't feel you are capable of doing...
Step back...
Take a look....
And ask yourself...
What is the OUTCOME that they are getting that I want?
Then ask yourself...
How can I use MY unique gifts and talents to get that outcome too?
Become OUTCOME BASED instead of focusing on obstacles and your business will change in a FLASH!
I'm Not Happy…So What?
I'm not happy right now.
I have life stuff going on..
Half the time I want to puke and half the time want to punch something.
And the other half I just want to watch TV or sleep
(yes I know that is too many halves....)
But the bottom line is...
When it comes to business we don't get to just stop when were not happy.
We don't get to just lay down when we are feeling low.
We have a BUSINESS.
We must carry on or our income will stop.
Just like in a job but to a deeper degree as your
Are You Sure?
Here's the difference between a watcher and a DOER.
When a watcher is unsure he hesitates or often stands still.
When a DOER is unsure he CHARGES so he can get to SURE quickly.
People follow people who are SURE.