I am back in the saddle again working hands on with people and doing one on one sessions and a common topic keeps coming up....
Folks just dont understand the true essence of attraction marketing.
So I whipped up this video to help you out.
Feel free to leave a comment with any questions and if you wanted to find out how to get a one on one of your own just email me at Diane@DianeHochman.com
It's more affordable than you think!
How To Weed Out Your List
If you are using an autoresponder it is very important you regularly week out undeliverable addresses and people who do not open or you end up paying to store addresses that can not possibly yield customers.
This video show you how I just weeded out my own list and also talks about what's possible with a small sized list.
Starting Over…
If you have followed me for any period of time you may have noticed that I have not been nearly as visible as I once was.
The truth is I had something major happen in my life and I was so embarrassed about it I just could not bring myself to say much for well over a year.
Yesterday I decided to finally come clean and talk about it
I did this live stream on YouTube and I also wanted to share it here and make my first blog post in a very long time.
Please watch so you know where I am
Why People Fail And How You Can Win
Let's face it.
Most people fail at their home business.
In this live event I share WHY most people fail and how you can escape the traps that plague most home business owners.
Grab a notebook and pen and settle down to catch this training which will shed light on that which most people won't talk about.
What Is Branding…
Over the past several years BRANDING has become quite the buzzword in the home business market with everyone scrambling to look fancy with graphics and logos and the such.
Tag lines, catch phrases and hash tags galore and still for most.
No market place traction at all.
So if this is not what one should be doing then what it is?
First one must ask...
What is branding?
Well...branding is owning a place in the consumers mind where as the marketplace sees them as the LOGICAL CHOICE for
Here's What To Say…..
I am constantly asked....but Diane....what do I say on my...
Facebook posts
Instagram posts
Live streams
The list goes on and on and will never end.
So today I am going to teach you how to NEVER be at a loss of words again.
Remember this little phrase my mentor taught me....
Let me say it again...
The next time you are at a loss....
Think about being the person you prayed would come into your life to help you in your business.
Think about
Go Slow To Go Fast…
My mentor used to repeat this line over and over....
Go slow to go fast...
Go slow to go fast.
And being me...
I hated when he said it as all I wanted to do was GO FAST.
I realize now the wisdom in those words.
I realize now what they meant.
And every time I look at my monthly revenue I shake my head and think THANK GOD I listened to him.
So the question is...How do you go slow when everyone is screaming telling you they can help you go FAST.
Well...the first thing you do is plug into a
The Magic Of Attraction Marketing
Here's a great webinar that describes some of the foundational ideas of attraction marketing.
Watch it and take notes.
It will make a difference in your actions which in turn will make a difference in your results.
Let me know your thoughts with a comment below.
Simple Capture Pages And List Building
Here's a great training I did about the tools I use from My Lead System Pro last July about simple capture pages and list building.
The process is quite easy if you'll let it be.
I even draw diagrams to walk you through!
You can be creating funnels and building your list TODAY!
Sound kicks in at 1:26. Just fast forward a little bit.
You know me....digital dingbat!!!
Daily Methods Of Operation That Work!
Join me and a star studded crew for a training from Aug 2015 on daily methods of operation that work.
Ever wonder what you should be doing each day to make your business grow?
This webinar answers that.
If you would like a test drive for the system we are all using My Lead System Pro