Cash Flow Rolodex-Turn Recordings Into Cash

Ever wonder how folks record conference calls and send them out to their lists or post them on their blogs?
Ever wonder how you can build a business training library for pennies?
Ever wonder how to take your trainings, record them and turn them into cds you can sell for cash flow?
The answer is here!

So go grab BYO Audio…record stuff..make cash and add it to your affiliate product lineup to make even more money.


3 responses to “Cash Flow Rolodex-Turn Recordings Into Cash”

  1. OK…so what’s weird about this is I was actually
    recording an audio in my account when your email
    came in.
    There are so many cool things you can do with BYO!:)

  2. Diane,
    I’d like to thank you for stepping up as a woman in leadership for all women out there to learn from. You are an incredible leader and all the men can also be benefit from your trainings.

  3. Years ago I went to Indian River Florida college to learn how to put audio website … the class was great. The main problem with recording audio is background noises such as an ambulance or a dog barking … sometimes it sounds like an ambulance is coming to visit a sickly dog then I mess up the recording by coughing, sneezing or farting … oops. Anyway talking fast does help early in the morning when its quiet 😉

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