Everything Through Their Eyes
People just don’t get what it means to find a mentor who is willing to dump their brain into yours. In order to get what you need you temporarily suspend your personal interests and make THEIR interests your own. The only way to assimilate their mind is to see […]
You Don't Need More Training….
Most people don’t need more training…they actually already know what to do… They just need grooming and mentorship… And of course to make a serious commitment. Training without action = ZERO Income
The Day Your Business Begins
NO ONE is going to build your business for you. The minute you stop looking for someone to do it for you and accept the responsibility of doing it yourself is the day your business begins.
Become Outcome Based
When your mentor does something in their business that you don’t feel you are capable of doing… Step back… Take a look…. And ask yourself… What is the OUTCOME that they are getting that I want? Then ask yourself… How can I use MY unique gifts and talents to get that outcome too? Become OUTCOME […]
Self Check
It always amazes me that the ones who think they do not need personal development are often the one that need it THE MOST. Do a SELF CHECK… If you have been at this for six months or more and you are not earning the income you desire… I PROMISE YOU There is work that […]
I'm Not Happy…So What?
I’m not happy right now. I have life stuff going on.. Half the time I want to puke and half the time want to punch something. And the other half I just want to watch TV or sleep (yes I know that is too many halves….) But the bottom line is… SO WHAT? When it […]
Are You Sure?
Here’s the difference between a watcher and a DOER. When a watcher is unsure he hesitates or often stands still. When a DOER is unsure he CHARGES so he can get to SURE quickly. People follow people who are SURE.
Why People Fail And How You Can Win
Let’s face it. Most people fail at their home business. In this live event I share WHY most people fail and how you can escape the traps that plague most home business owners. Grab a notebook and pen and settle down to catch this training which will shed light on that which most people won’t […]
Do You Believe You Deserve It?
Bottom line… If you don’t believe you deserve success it can’t come to you. Fascinated by the letters and correspondence I receive. It ALL begins with YOU. You must KNOW you are worthy.
It's Not About The Money….Or Is It?
Here’s some home business truth for you. Painful and yet freeing if you let it be. If you are trying to build a home business or a network marketing business you need to get CLEAR on what is is all about. Watch and leave me a comment on your thoughts.